Chapter five

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The kingdom was in a frenzy. There were murmurs and whispers going around. The maids, butlers, gardeners and every staff working in the castle whispered and murmured among themselves. Why? Because their King was behaving abnormally.

"Did you see him this morning?" One maid whispered to the other as they stood at a corner leading to the stairway.

She shook her head. "What happened?" They drew closer and she whispered into her ears.

"He was skipping and singing." They gasped, completely horrified! The King was what?!

Skipping, singing, what was happening. What they felt next was fear because the king being in such a good mood could only mean one thing; someone was going to die.

It's not as if they didn't know that five out of the seven generals were dead, and he was the one responsible for it. It wasn't news that the King hated the supernatural nor was its news that betrayal to the throne was instant death.

I walked along the hallways with a spring in my step. It was such a good day, such a good day. I smiled, shoved my hands into the pocket of my dark jeans and whistled. Everything was going great. I saw Ash approaching and the smile on my face widened even more.

"Ash!" I called out excitedly. He smiled that same annoying smile of his and for the first time, I didn't even find it irritating.

He stopped, bowed and looked back at me. "You seem to be in a good mood my king."

I nodded my head excitedly. "I am and I would like to visit the city for a bit." I replied and walked away. Quick steps rushed after me and Ash walked by my side. I could tell he wanted to question the sudden urge to go to the city but there was no way I was going to tell him that there was a little spitfire living there that I wanted to see so badly.

"May I ask why?"

I grinned to myself. "You'll see."

The walk to the city was fairly long, I didn't even need a disguise because no one had ever seen me before, heck they didn't even know my name just the title I was referred to.

We strolled the streets, my eyes glancing through the crowd and then I heard her voice, just a few feet away from me. She was yelling at guys who were way tougher than her, but she didn't even look the least bit scared.

I leaned against the wall, crossed my arms and watched her intently.

"He said he was sorry! So let it go!" She yelled furiously, her arms placed on her hips and a glare plastered across her face.

The man in front scoffed, pointed at the guy hiding behind her and shouted back in her face. "He smacked into me and spilled my drink all over my shirt and you think sorry is going to fix it?!"

She scoffed, gave him a once over and rolled her eyes. "It was even a cheap drink just like the outfit."

His face turned red, and I knew he was seconds away from hitting her. She really has the talent for getting under a person's skin without trying.

"My King –" I raised my hand up, stopping whatever Ash was going to say and just pointed at the woman.

"She's really a monkey." I muttered and chuckled when she stepped into the man's personal space, her chin raised in upwards, and cheeks turned to the other side.

"You want to hit me, right? Well go-ahead big guy! Hit me!" She yelled, gathering a crowd around her and my jaw nearly dropped in shock. Is she fucking stupid. He was definitely going to do it without a second thought, and I was right.

"Relax." I said, grabbing the guy's wrist in a tight grip. I felt his bones through my palm. He struggled to pull away, but I only tightened my grip as I stared at her with a smile.

The Immortal Bond: Queen RosettaWhere stories live. Discover now