Chapter thirty-three

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Rosetta's pov

"Go on a date with me."

The moment those words left his mouth we both stood shocked; him more than me. Is this what Anastasia meant when she said he looked like he grew extra heads? I stood rooted to my spot as I stared at the confused human king, my mate, Arius.

I wanted to laugh at him because he looked so funny. He probably didn't mean to say that and even though my heart skipped a beat at his words. I needed to draw the line, so I sighed, ready to put him out of his misery of regretting his actions.

"I don't...

"No, that came out wrong." He cut me off, took deep breaths and stared so intensely at me that his gaze felt scorching to my skin. He was determined. I could see it in his eyes, and it threw me off. 

"Would you please go out on a date with me?" He asked and this time I was more shocked than he was. He wanted me to do what? I shook my head, crossed the distance between us in the blink of an eye and touched his forehead with the back of my palm.

"You're not coming down with a fever," I mumbled and then frowned. I touched my forehead. "I'm not sick either so then..." I trailed off. He slowly grabbed my wrist and pulled it from his forehead, his eyes never once left mine.

I could tell he was confused heck even I was confused but he wanted something. I could see it in his eyes. What happened to him? My mind created so many scenarios, but it still wasn't enough to explain what was happening.

Can people change overnight? Was that possible? 

The gentleness of his touch brought me back to earth and I stared in those eyes that eagerly awaited my answer. What was I supposed to say?

"I thought you hated me?" Shut the eff up Rosetta. This wasn't the time to question his actions. My subconscious rebuked but I was too stumped to make sense of what was happening. Why would he go out of his way to do this? To make himself uncomfortable? Was someone forcing him? Threatening him?

My eyes widened and I grabbed his collar, staring intently into his eyes. His heart skipped a beat, I could hear it. "Who threatened you?" My voice came out colder than I thought. No one was going to threaten him not when I'm alive

His forehead scrunched up. "What?"

I gritted my teeth. "I said who threatened you?"

His eyes widened and he grabbed my wrist trying to pry them off his collar. "Rosetta calm down." He rushed out but I held on tightly shaking my head adamantly. 

"If someone threatened you to do this, just tell me and I'll deal with them. No one ever threatens what belongs to me." I hissed out. I knew my eyes had changed colour and it was blood red because my fangs were aching to sink into whoever wanted to hurt him.

"Rosetta look at me..." He said slowly and I snared, staring at him sharply. "No one threatened me okay." He emphasized every word. "I just wanted to go on a date with you. It was a choice I made and nothing else."

I blanked out. "Why?"

He looked taken aback by my question and ran his fingers through his hair severally but it just bounced back. "Not sure but I just want to."

My frown deepened. "I thought you hated me?"

"I do...wait I mean I don't...fuck!" He sighed, seemingly tired all of a sudden. "I know this is sudden but fuck just trust me okay."

I slowly let go of his collar, retracted my fangs and stared at him. "I would have to decline," I muttered and turned my back to him. 

"What?!" He exclaimed, sounding shocked that I did that. "Why?"

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