Chapter twenty-one

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Arius pov

Regrets and guilt. They are words I have come to know all too well since the time I understood what they meant. The regret of doing something or nothing and the guilt over an action regretted. These two feelings are something that has become almost like a daily bread for me since that night.

Guilt and regret. I hate myself for losing control, for touching her inappropriately and for enjoying her touch. I wish I could turn back time and smack myself in the face.

I paused, took a deep breath and sighed. Two months have passed since the incident. Two months of complete silence on her part and two months of me agonizing over spilled milk.

I closed my eyes ridding the image of the night from my memory. I wish I could just burn it with, so it disappears for good. 

How could I have done this to Seraphina by touching the person who took her from me. I'm such an asshole and a jerk.

I groaned loudly and Ortho raised his fury head to look at me. He tilted his head to one side, tongue sticking and tail slightly wagging behind him.

"You must think I'm crazy."

He snorted and went back to doing whatever he was doing. I scoffed, run my fingers through my hair and exhaled a breath through mouth. Everything was confusing and complicated.

A knock on the door brought me out from my internal frustrations and I looked up to see Ash walking towards me. He stopped by the coffee brown office like table, took in my disheveled state and shook his head.

"You need to get over yourself." He said and crouched down to pat Ortho on the head, but Ortho just moved away from his touch and growled at him. Seems he still doesn't like Ash anyway.

Ash just watched him, unbothered about the unfriendly wolf.

"What I need to do is find a way for her to pay for what she did to my family." I gritted out, her cold calculative smile flashing in my eyes.

Ash rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What if she wasn't the one?"

I whipped my head to the side and glared at him furiously. "She is responsible." There was nothing that could change the fact that vampires are the cause of everything that was going on.

Ash pursed his lips, watched my skeptically and sighed. The tension in his shoulders slowly sagged and he shook his head. "For some reason I feel like you might regret your actions."

"I won't." I deadpanned and he slowly nodded. I could tell he didn't believe me but that didn't matter. She made all this possible.

Lost in thoughts, I hadn't noticed Ash calling out my name until he slammed the table with a bunch of papers. I glanced at them and frowned.

"What is this?" 

"The darkness surrounding the southern part of the forest." He said and spread the pictures across the table. " It had taken over the territory of the faeries." He added and I frowned even more.

How was that possible.

"Do we know the cause?" I questioned picking up one of the pictures that had a burnt body in it.

Ash shook his head dejectedly. "Unfortunately, no and anyone who gets even an inch close to it, gets burned."

I glanced at it. I remember they mentioned it but to think it was happening. This thing cannot get close to our territory. "What's the next territory close to the faeries?"

There was a brief pause and I looked up to see Ash staring at me with a frown. "The vampires."

I stiffened for a minute, my thoughts racing. The vampires are next if this thing spreads to their side. I clenched and unclenched my fist. I should be elated about this thought but I'm not.

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