Chapter thirty-eight

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Arius' pov

A sense of restlessness energy consumed me as I paced back and forth within the confines of my room, a blend of anticipation and worry coursing through my veins. Today was the day she was returning from her trip and the thought of it sent waves of excitement through despite the wary feeling. She said she planned to call once she lands but could I wait for that call?

Ortho sat by the fireplace, his eyes following my movements. He lowered his head, whimpering as if he could sense my restlessness and nervousness.

I wrung my fingers together in worry. She had been gone for a week and even though she said it wasn't dangerous, something within my gut told me otherwise. 

"You're gonna make a dent in the floor with how much you're pacing." 

I whipped around immediately, my gaze falling on the armchair placed in the corner of my room by the fireplace. A blurry silhouette suddenly took shape, and my mind was transported to a memory.

"Come on brother, pacing is just gonna make a dent in the floor."

I glared at the boyish grin on his face as he sat nonchalantly on the armchair. He really liked that chair, and I was tempted to throw it away but still couldn't do it. 

"If you're not going to help then get out." I snapped irritably and he grinned, his dopey brown eyes sparkling.

"I don't see the big deal here, if you miss her so much why don't you go and see her rather than wait for the next day." He stood up, shoving his hands in his pocket with his shoulders raised. "Tomorrow is never promised."

The memory ended just as it came and I stumbled, shaking my head. Using the back of my hand, I wiped the sweat that had accumulated on my forehead and tried to control my laboured breathing. "Shit," I mumbled, taking deep breaths. "Never had a daymare before."

I straightened myself, still feeling the after-effect of the memory. I pressed my lips together, my brows pinched together. "Tomorrow is never promised."

That was the last thing he said to me before he died the next day. It was as if he knew he was going to die. My heart ached when I remembered the sparkle in his eyes. I bit my lips hard and let out a shaky breath.  

Shit, I thought was getting over it. 

I sighed, picked up my jacket from the bed and left the room. I rushed down the stairs, hearing Ash's voice calling for me, but I ignored it and run straight to Rosetta's castle. I checked the time; she should be back in her castle by the time I get there.

My erratic behaviour was scaring me, and I wasn't sure I wanted to stop the feeling that was slowly burning within me. I don't think I could deny it to myself anymore and before it was too late, I had to right every wrong I had made to Rosetta.

"Seraphina, please forgive me but I think it's time to let you go," I whispered to myself. "But I will still find the people responsible for taking you and my family away from me," I mumbled as her castle came to view. I smelt her scent from a little less than a mile away and my steps quickened.

I used the doors, rushing past some of her servants who looked startled at my entry and a wide-eyed-looking Anastasia. I took the stairs three at a time, barged into her room and before she could even open her mouth, my arms engulfed her body crashing her against my chest.

I cupped the back of her head, breathing in her scent as I buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"Arius, what's wrong?" She questioned, struggling to break free from my embrace, but I held onto her firmly, unwilling to let go. It was then that I realized the depth of my yearning for her, even within that brief span of a week. The sensation of holding her, of caressing her, brought an indescribable joy that seeped through every fiber of my being. With each passing moment, the tension in my muscles dissolved, replaced by ease I had forgotten.

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