Chapter twenty-two

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Arius' pov

I'm not sure for how long I stood there watching the lady who remained stoic in her position. Her eyes reflected nothing but emptiness. She didn't care that I was internally killing myself over and over again or the fact that I was breaking on the inside.

"We need to find your ma-

"SHUT UP!" I yelled gripping my hair in frustration and anger. I stepped back, shaking my head from side to side. No, no, no. It cannot be possible. It just cannot. 

"I-I can't be mated to her. I-I c-can't." I stuttered out brokenly. An all-familiar constricting pain washed over me, and I clutched my chest. I wasn't -I couldn't -I hated her. I despised their people and now this.

A cruel laugh bubbled out of my mouth. I was angry. I could feel the perspiration all over my body as my body shook. I looked to see her watching me blankly.

Her eyes remained emotional less. 

I wish I could be that way but-my eyes widened, and it dawned on me. That explains the stupid attraction I felt towards her and Astria's mysterious words from back then. Another laugh escaped me. 

"Wow!" I exclaimed, running my fingers through my hair and sending it away from my face but it just dropped back to my forehead. I couldn't believe this. 

The intense pain in my chest nearly buckled me to my knees. I gripped the edge of her nightstand to support myself from falling. 

"You seem to not be taking the news quite well." She said monotonously and I chuckled, using the back of my hand to wipe the sweat from my forehead. 

"N-nice w-way to state the obvious. " I gasped sarcastically, and she only watched me blankly.

She creased her brows and sighed. "You are weak and honestly I don't think you deserve the goodness of my queen."

I froze in place. So many thoughts swirling in my head as her words registered in my mind. Weak she says? I don't deserve her queen.

The pain consuming my chest was suddenly filled with rage. My ears started ringing until it was suddenly quiet. The contacts in my eyes started to burn. I need to take them out and so I did. 

I chuckled coldly and slow raised my head to glare at her. She flinched and averted her gaze and that made me laugh.

"I can smell your uncertainty." I said calmly and slowly licked my lips. "Rosetta is my mate." The words left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"What is your name?"

She looked away without answering and I nodded to myself. 

"That's fine. Don't tell me anyway because you'll be dead sooner or later." I replied nonchalantly and rolled my shoulders. I placed my hands on my waist, looked at the ceiling and sighed blissfully. My bloodlust was just simmering, ready to burst out but not now.

It made sense. The chuckle came out again, little by little until I was full on laughing like a maniac. I could tell she was confused by actions and maybe found it weird, but I was just raging.

I don't deserve her huh. Well, that's fine. 

Without looking at her, I smiled. "My mate is missing so she must be found. I need to welcome her."

I was going to break her till there was nothing left. Till she asked for death and this I promise.

We both left the castle. She moved very quietly but quickly and had a way of masking her presence. She was good. I smiled darkly. 

"When was the last time you saw her?" I asked keeping up with her at a leisurely pace. I was not in that much of a hurry anyway.

"The night she returned from your castle." She answered and I nodded.

The Immortal Bond: Queen RosettaWhere stories live. Discover now