Fueling the Flames

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Sasuke and Sakura have a fight, enticing the beast within her to come out and play.

A SHORT sasusaku supernatural au. Human Sasuke and Dragon-shifter Sakura.


Sasuke toppled to the side, agony shooting down his right side as he slammed into a bolder; but that wasn't his main focus at the moment.

His obsidian eyes were wide as he stared at the woman in front of him with open shock. His lover's mouth was agape as smoke billowed from the sides; heat lighting the back of her throat in a rich orangish-hue. The heat from the flames licking at his back indicated that this was no mere dream.

This was really happening.


This beautiful creature that he had fallen in love with and had been dating for three months now, actually breathed fire. He was stunned. That wasn't the only thing that had changed about her though in the last thirty seconds. The most scary feature (besides the breathing fire thing) was her eyes and the deep rich, ruby-colored scales partially breaking out on the skin of her arms and legs. They began to spread across her face... towards her eyes which dark, thick red rings surrounded; almost like a unique eyeliner.


He was hesitant to stand, but did so slowly as her mouth closed. They eyed each other closely for a moment, until she cleared her throat and shook her head. "I'm sorry if I frightened you, Sasuke-kun. I didn't mean to. I—I should have told you... about me... about this (she indicated by waving her hands over herself) sooner. But I was worried that you wouldn't want to see me anymore. That you might hate me or reject me, and I couldn't handle that because... well because I...(her scales began to recede and her eyes shifted back to normal as her gaze lowered; she spoke the next part in a whispered breath) I love you, Sasuke-kun."

His breath caught in his throat and he took a tentative step closer, as if fearful he might frighten her away. "I-I'm just in shock. I don't understand... but, I love you too, Sakura. So I'm willing to listen, if you care to explain it to me."

She looked up, eyes brimming with tears, as he narrowed the space between them, until just an inch separated their chests. He tentatively reached up and brushed his fingers just below her left eye to swipe the wetness away and she leaned into him; his large palms cupping her cheeks while she took a deep breath.

Even though her abrupt transformation had frightened him, Sasuke somehow still felt at ease around her...unwilling to comprehend that this beautiful female who had treated him for months with nothing but kindness, compassion, love— could possibly have a mean enough bone in her little body to harm or kill him.

He knew of shifters, given that his best friend was one, so it wasn't an entirely new concept to him. Otherwise... this whole experience could have gone differently.

Sasuke took a calming breath and pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her while tilting his head to the side... eyeing the flames licking against the trees behind them with a newfound appreciation and apprehension. He would have to remember to never anger her again. "Come along, Sakura," he said after a moment... pulling away and capturing her hand in his hand before dragging her back to their little cottage in the woods. "I think we need to talk."

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now