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Prince Sasuke and Knight Sakura. Smut implied, but not full-on. Teasing Prince and flustered/annoyed knight Sak.


"Stop making such demands of me, my Prince. This is not the time or place for such nonsense...," his royal guardian protested; all the while the young Prince of Konohagakure ignored her and continued to suck on the delicate junction between her neck and collarbone, ripening the shade from a pale peach to a cozy carmine.

"Nonsense, huh...," he murmured against her skin. His lips twisted when his favorable affections rewarded him with a soft mew from her slightly parted lips. But this "momentary victory" was short-lived and the mood was shadowed after Sakura suddenly and quite unexpectedly shoved him by the shoulders away from her. He scowled as she adjusted her attire and crossed his arms over his chest; pouting like a petulant child would do. "What's the matter, Kitten? You didn't protest yesterday... or the day before that or last—"

The woman blushed and practically growled, "You must be in court in just a few moments time, my Prince. We cannot do this, (she motioned between them) any of it, now... and most certainly not here of all places. Scandalous behavior like this will have me beheaded."

"Kitten," the king-to-be purred while taking a step towards her, which she countered with one of her own. "You know I will be crowned king soon. I will make the rules. What I say will be law. And if I say I want to have "special private time" with my most trusted guard, then it shall be so."

"You are an insufferable, arrogant, perverted bast—umph," she grunted lowly as her back landed painfully against the thick stone wall behind her; that she failed to take notice of in her sudden hasty retreat from the stalking prince. As his large hands came up next to her head, strategically caging her between him and the wall, Sakura knew that she was trapped. She glanced up at him with a scowl on her lips; a look of pure annoyance at his antics twisting her beautiful features into something that caused his own lips to curl up into a wide smirk. "This isn't funny, my Prince. You are so utterly childish."

He chuckled at her words meant to insult before leaning in, placing a soft kiss next to her ear. "How many times must I insist you call me by my name, Sakura?" He could feel the heat growing in her cheeks where they pressed against his skin, but he ignored that fact in favor of using his tongue to play with her earlobe instead.

The prince could feel her shudder against him and leaned into her more... pressing his full forearms against the wall next to her. "There is a time and place for that. Now is not it, my prince," the pinkette mumbled... almost breathlessly, before she once again used her ungodly strength to shove him backwards. Sasuke was about to protest again, when he heard the distinct sound of footsteps approaching. He cursed under his breath once before slowly turning to face the approaching figure. The silhouette was cast in shadow, but the voice was unmistakable. Itachi.

"Father sent me to retrieve you, Little Brother. Seems he is impatient to start the meeting since his youngest has yet to show his face."

"My apologies, Brother. Tell Father that I will be with you all momentarily." Itachi simply shook his head in the negative and approached, hands firmly resting in the pockets of his cloak.

"He insisted that I bring you back with me, now."

Sasuke sighed and ran his hand down his face, annoyed at the situation but knowing that it was futile to argue with both his brother and father. "Fine, I shall accompany you." He then turned to his guard and addressed her. "Why don't you take a few hours break, Sakura. I will call for you when the meeting is over."

She was about to depart, when Itachi spoke again. "She should come with us. This meeting will affect her as well."


A few hours later found Sakura storming across the castle grounds, in an attempt to put some much-needed distance between her and her charge...but his footsteps behind her told that she was doing a very poor job of it. "Sakura. Hey, wait up, Kitten. Plea—"

"Don't, my prince."


"I asked for a break. You can at least grant me this."

"Not before we discuss this first, Sakura," he insisted as he reached for her...halting her angry procession by grasping firmly onto her right wrist. She refused to turn, angry tears pooling in her eyes (that she didn't wish to share with him) and her body grew tense with the need to flee. "I told you I will change his mind. Trust me."

"Why? Why would you, my prince? Isn't it your birthright to wed the most eligible princess? Is it such a shock that your father found you the perfect bride and expects you to wed her within such a short time?"


"What I will not do is stand by and watch. I refuse to be her personal guard and watch you court her. So please, let me go." She tries to jerk her arm free but he refuses to release her and instead pulls her against him. At first, she protests and fights against his strength... all the while he drags her into a more secluded spot in the gardens, away from any prying eyes, until he stops to face her.

"Look, I know that I tease you a lot about courting another, but you should know by now that my affections are only for you, Kitten. I... I haven't said this before...and I'm honestly a little embarrassed to do so now... but if it'll show you that I am true with my words... then I shall say it, for you. I love you... Sakura." She was left stunned for a moment and the young prince took that exact opportunity to continue. "My feelings are true and the reason I will fight my father's wish to see me wed that dreadful woman. I wish to share my life with no other... no matter the cost to my birthright. You are the one my heart yearns for, the one who holds it so tightly and yet has no idea. The woman I wish to wake up next to every single morning and lie down next to every night. The one I want to share meals with, the woman I want to spend time with and the maiden who makes me happier than any other ever could. Do you understand now, Kitten? Do you understand my feelings...the sheer depth of them...for you yet?"

Hot tears streamed down her cheeks now and she couldn't stop the watery, half-disbelieving chuckle that slipped past her plump lips. Sakura used a hand to cover her mouth as she shook her head. But even if she wished to deny every word, he just said... she could not. She couldn't because it was evident (in that very vulnerable moment), that Sasuke Uchiha, the youngest prince of Konohagakure, was indeed serious... for once in his life. With playfulness momentarily replaced by honest and vulnerable emotions, she placed a hand on his chest and sighed deeply before allowing her hand to fall from her mouth. "You're an idiot, my prince."

Spoken affectionately, he reached up and cupped her face with his hands...brushing away her tears with his thumb. "I am, I'll admit. But... does that change anything?" A hidden message was left unspoken between the young couple yet nonetheless understood and she shook her head, bringing a soft smile to his lips before he bent to kiss her lovingly.

Little did they know that someone was watching them from the shadows.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now