Shattered Hearts 💔

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One night, one moment, is all it took to send their entire world spiraling.

A sasusaku snippet (may turn to fic?). Angsty.


Sakura watched as the woman draped her right hand over his left elbow hesitantly... a nervous smile lifting her lips as she gazed up into her future husband's stoic expression. It was as if they were on a pedestal...surrounded by both his family and hers; the sweet sound of the Uchiha matriarch's happy laughter clearly reaching Sakura's eardrums... even from this distance.

'Who were we kidding, babe,' she thought as her stomach twisted into painful knots, her throat clogging with emotion. 'I was never going to be good enough for you. Your family would have never accepted me as yours. I'm not worthy to carry the Uchiha name on my back.'

The pinkette felt physically sick to her stomach and forced herself to look away from them...reaching over to grab her blonde-haired friend by the arm; gaining his attention from the newly-appointed pair. "Tell him...I'm sorry we didn't get to talk before I left— Okay, Naruto." Without allowing him a chance to respond, Sakura swiftly released the firm grip on his arm and stood up, before walking away...pointed heels clacking noisily in her ears while all other sounds drowned out in her sorrow; her dress swaying to-and-fro against her ankles as she pretty easily maneuvered around the other party-goers.

She thought she was "home-free" when she had reached the entrance hall, until—

"Sakura!!! Sakura, wait!!!"

The pinkette paused, almost as if her body had a will of its own, and turned around slowly (eyes watery) at the sound of his frantic voice. Sasuke stopped a few feet away from her, placing his hands inside of his pockets while his eyes looked anywhere but her.

'Guilty,' she thought as she waited. But he remained silent. She turned to walk away again...when he called out to her. "I'm sorry things didn't work out between us." She paused and turned back to him with a sad, but resolute smile. 'You didn't even try to fight for us. How much could I truly have meant to you then, Sasuke?'

Instead of asking him, she simply said, "Me too."

He seemed conflicted...his brows creasing as he stared at one particular spot on the floor. Mind made up, he stepped forward and reached her in seconds.... grasping onto her firmly by the neck on either side with both of his hands and kissed her on the lips passionately. She allows the tears to finally fall; grabbing his wrists tightly, before gently pushing him away. "I'm sorry. I love you so much...," he whispered; his eyes sad and despondent; void of the usual light she'd grown so fond of. Sakura gave him another half smile, her attempt at reassuring him that she would be fine.

She would move on from this. 'Someday. Maybe.'

But with nothing more to say, she turned on her heels and walked through the front doors... not once looking back at the future happiness that she knew now, she would never have.


Ideas for this one if turned into a full fic:

Prepared to finally make their relationship official, Sasuke and Sakura decide to tell everyone at the ball tonight. But his mother and father have other ideas. Before either can say a word, they announce their joining partnership with a new and upcoming family... one with a prospective young woman that will soon take Sasuke's hand as he takes over the family business.

Devastated by the news... and at Sasuke's lack of outright refusal... Sakura leaves that night; fleeing the country for a new job opportunity; one that she originally planned to turn down to be with him. (Telling no one of her plans or where to find her.)

Sasuke ends up leaving his betrothed at the altar, refusing to give in to his family's whims and tries to find Sakura. But there is no trace of her.

Will she be lost to him forever? Can he find her before it's too late for them? Will she even forgive him if does?

My Snippets: Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora