My Jealous Valentine

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Jealous Sasuke finding out Sakura got a love note from one of his patients on Valentine's Day.

Doctor Sasuke and nurse Sakura. A sasusaku au snippet.


It had come to his attention (from gossip and the sort) that his girlfriend had been receiving a lot of attention recently from some of his patients; of the more masculine variety. It irked him somewhat, given that he had made it abundantly clear that the two of them had been dating for a while now and his intention was to marry her someday. Most likely in the near future.

With it being Valentine's Day, that only made it harder; and he bare witness on more than one occasion as she moved about her day with what should have been relative ease as several of his male patients go out of their way... on their daily morning hall rounds... to stop Sakura as she tries to move on to a different task; only to pull her into a needless and pointless conversation which she happily obliged, with only slight annoyance. Though Sakura never let it show (at least to them) on the outside and welcomed their ill banter with a friendly smile or soft, feminine giggle whenever they tried to crack hilarious jokes. His feelings intensified when he saw them reach out to brush fingertips across her arms or hands.. or the way that they leaned into her, moving into her personal space to be closer to her.

It was a strange and unusual feeling in his gut, one that he refused to acknowledge as jealousy; though even his other staff members were starting to take notice of the change in his mood and demeanor.. and began to go out of their way to avoid him at all costs while his temper began to flare to life.

The breaking point for the young doctor was when one of his younger patients (a man around their age?) handed his beloved an envelope... leaning in to whisper something in her ear before pulling away as his fingers dragged through the strands of her petal-pink hair. The woman's cheeks heated with embarrassment, her lips slightly agape, as she watched him walk away; envelope clutched between loose fingers close to her chest. When she pulled the letter from inside of it and began to read it— he practically growled.

It propelled him, and surging forward he quickly snatched the envelope and its contents from her grasp. She turned to him with a mixture of shock and frustration. "Sasuke, I hadn't finished reading that. In fact, I hadn't even started. Now," she huffed as she tried to reach for it where he held it above her head; standing on her tiptoes and grasping his bicep as she stretched up higher. He would have found the scene amusing if they were under different circumstances. "Give it back." He scoffed before frowning down at her.

"You're my girlfriend. So why are you accepting love notes from other people... strangers, mind you?"

She moved back to solid ground and placed her hands on her hips; eyebrows raised and lips pierced defiantly. "This 'love note' is from a sick patient..and he's twelve, Sasuke."



When he glanced up and watched the youngster continue on his way he realized that his view of the matter had been completely warped. This young man...boy... was nowhere close to their age.

How could he have been so blind?

Feeling sheepish, Sasuke tossed the letter back to her and turned...hiding his flushed cheeks from her as he stomped away.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now