Conflicted Feelings and Misunderstandings

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It's not rocket science, it's just complicated.

A modern day, sasusaku au snippet.


'He's so gentle with her...,' she thinks as she observes the way he helps the woman sit up from the examination table; a gently placed palm resting firmly on her upper back while the other holds onto her own... giving her the leverage that she needs in order to hoist herself up into a sitting position on the now crumpled-up hygienic strip.

Sakura smiles softly, her heart melting just a little bit at the expression the dark-haired shares with him in gratitude.

'They make a handsome couple.'

She repeats the usual mantra she gives all of her patients, and the woman (Izumi) thanks her sincerely for everything that she has done for her and her family. The doctor feels her heart constrict at this. 'Family. Wouldn't it be nice—'

It's a sharp, almost agonizingly painful twinge in her chest, but she brushes the feeling away while she opens the door for the couple. The man's right arm is a steady support for the pregnant woman, who holds onto it as a precaution as they exit the examination room and enter the waiting room.

She then takes their documents to the counter and informs her secretary to set up a follow-up appointment two weeks from now. She then bids them farewell and makes her way back to her office, but not before turning around...her gaze drawn to the imposing figure looming next to her patient.

Sakura felt the tiny tentacles of jealousy grip her, and tried to suppress them the best that she could...her gaze drawn to the retreating pair as the man held the door open for the woman. The doctor let out a deep sign and returned to her office, her wayward thoughts betraying professionalism as she briefly (very briefly mind you) wondered what it would be like to be in the other woman's shoes.

To get married.

To start a family.

To be with a man like him.

She sighed and closed her eyes as she leaned against the door of her office... trepidation and insecurities pressuring her mind to focus on the impossible.

'Izumi, how lucky is she.'


Sasuke couldn't help but stare (when she wasn't looking of course); a desire to know this woman continuously pulling him back to this place...back to this room, and back to her.

He'd never known an obsession quite like this before, and he eagerly anticipated every one of Izumi's appointments that he was able to attend... on the pretense of helping his sister-in-law (given his brother was overseas) but knowing full well that it was much more than that.

Although his secret obsession would remain with him... for the time being that is... at least until he could pluck up the courage to talk to the stunning, pink-haired doctor.

Sasuke knew that he probably stood no chance...given his profession and circumstances... but he was to the point of not carrying any longer; wanting nothing more than to see this woman outside of these four, unembellished walls. Get to know her personally, through dinners and strolls around the park; getting to know her on a deeper level, connect as he's never connected with anyone else before.

He had an inkling that she felt the same... given how often he caught her staring at him out of the corner of his eye. It took everything in him not to return it; enjoy the deep blush that would penetrate her creamy unblemished flesh; drawn to the surface of her cheeks when he would unintentionally meet her eyes (or intentionally just to see her flustered and nervous).

But for now, it would seem that he would have to wait a bit longer, when she cleared her throat and quickly stood after the exam. He busied himself with helping Izumi to her feet, given the roundness of her nine-month pregnant belly... it was becoming harder and harder for his poor sister-in-law to move around as she used to, and he would do anything to ease the worry that his brother held for his beloved wife; after all, he did make a promise to keep her safe until his brother returned from overseas, and he intended to do so.

He secured her left hand around his elbow, given that she almost face-planted once already today on her way out the front door, when he came to pick her up. If any harm came to her or his niece (or nephew...the couple decided to wait and see the gender when the baby made its appearance) he would never be able to forgive himself.

The doctor gave a few final instructions and proceeded to the door, Izumi's appointment now over. Internally, Sasuke was panicking; the thought of never seeing her again... of never hearing her sweet and melodic voice...taking hold of him, until the doctor instructed her receptionist to schedule another appointment for Izumi, two weeks from now. He let out a mental sigh of relief... but his face remained stoic as ever. She then bid them both farewell and left shortly after.

As he held the door open for Izumi, he felt a pair of eyes on his back, and smiled to himself; knowing that the next time he saw her, he would make his move.

'Until then... Dr. Haruno.'


Authors Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

So basically, I had the idea that Sasuke's brother is in the army and is deployed overseas. Izumi finds out soon after that she is pregnant and Sasuke makes a vow that he will keep her and the baby safe until Itachi returns.

He does what he can for her, taking her to dr appointment, buying her groceries, even rubbing her back when it's sore or sitting with her when she's unable to function due to her morning sickness.

He meets Sakura at the clinic and is instantly smitten.

Sakura on the other hand interprets things differently. She sees them as husband and wife (they've never claimed to be... but because they are both Uchiha she just assumes). She likes him as well, but is obviously conflicted; given he is a "married man".

When Sasuke comes to her and asks her out after one of Izumi's doctor's appointments, she thinks he is a "low life" for attempting to cheat on his wife and slaps him before stomping away.

The situation escalates until Izumi finally fakes labor just to get them together. They end up finding the whole situation silly, but she finally agrees to go on a date with him.

Shortly after, Izumi really does go into labor and Sakura helps to deliver the baby (haven't decided the gender yet). Itachi shows up just before she starts to push.

If you would like for me to continue this idea, please let me know! I appreciate your feedback! 🙏

My Snippets: Part 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat