Battle for Alpha

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Her life was a living hell, until she met him. His days were filled with darkness, until he met her. Together, they must fight against those attempting to destroy them both while simultaneously learning the meaning of true love.

A sasusaku werewolf au.


She was lying limp on his office floor, barely conscious and broken, her body screaming at her as her injuries throbbed from a continuous pain; listening as her fiancé paced back and forth in front of her, his deep baritone reverberated off the walls as he whispered angrily into his cell phone.

"... I understand that. Tell him that I need some more time. He's early. I don't give a fuck, this is my business. Tell him to come back another time then, I'm not finished here. So? You work for me, bitch. Do as I say and—"

A loud ruckus could be heard from behind the closed door before it suddenly burst open; then all grew silent. Sakura dared to look up; unable to move, her hazy gaze unable to focus and her vision was significantly blurred but she could just make out the outline of a tall, muscular stranger (she'd assume was a man) standing in the doorway. She couldn't easily make out any of his features, but the powerful scent that followed him into the room, made her feel a mixture of dizziness and suddenly relaxed.

Her body slumped further, her side aching where it rested on the hardwood floor; her bottom right leg growing almost numb where the other was resting, crossed on top of it and her clothing was a disheveled mess caked with dried blood and an assortment of dirt, coffee, ashes from his cigarette, and a variety of other unknown liquids. She could hear the newcomer... growl...and her fiancé took a small step back towards her in shock.

He began to backtrack, and sputter different apologies and lame excuses for her current state of despair, but Sakura's hearing was finally mercilessly going out from the constant ringing in her eardrums...that had grown louder and louder with each passing minute, and she closed her eyes as she allowed sleep to consume her; because anything would be better than the pain that she was feeling. She could barely make out their conversation, only interrupting a few words as darkness welcomed her with open arms.

"... s-she's..."

"... and you..."

"... h-how..."


"... fuck... n-no, I..."

"my... mate."


He stood by her bedside; a silently brooding embodiment of pure alpha energy monitoring her progression to a fully healed state with a clenched jaw; his body tense with the utter rage he felt towards that meager human. He'd taken her (after he'd ripped that bastard's head off) and no one in the office had bat an eye; no one tried to stop him; only looking on as he held her tightly in his arms with a mixture of relief, guilt, and sympathy.

He remembers her screams.

Her cries of anguish.

The taste of her fear as she thrashed around on the bed.

He growled; his eyes flashing briefly to those of his wolf.

'What has that bastard done to her all this time... to make her like this..,' he kept repeating over and over again in his mind, but until she woke, he would be left in the dark. That thought alone didn't sit well with his wolf...who was pacing agitatedly (and had been for the last few days) in the back of his mind like the caged animal that it was. His pack had given him a wide berth ever since he'd returned, whenever he was forced to leave her bedside, and the few remaining nurses who'd braved his wrath had all come into the room trembling in fear whenever they had to check her vitals or give her medication. The only ones seemingly unaffected by his sour mood were his family, his beta, and the doctor who was helping to heal his precious mate.

Speaking of—

Just then, the pack's doctor walked into the room, an air of confidence surrounding her while her nurse hid behind her, fearful of a retaliation from their perturbed alpha. Sasuke's obsidian eyes narrowed dangerously but he refrained from growling at the physician (this time) as she approached his unconscious mate and began to take her vitals. When she was finished, she looked up at him and sighed; placing her stethoscope carefully around her neck. "She's looking fine, her vitals are good, and her wounds are slowly mending."

Sensing that something was off, he pushed her to continue by asking, "But?" His wolf was teetering precarious on the verge of surfacing, and the nurse shrunk back further in on herself as his aura flared; her hands trembling as she held onto the doctor's clipboard tighter; her blue eyes remained firmly downcast.

"It's mostly good news... young alpha. The female is doing much better. I just have no idea when she'll wake up. That is something I have no control over. It is more than likely a defensive mechanism on her part, and she'll have to figure it out on her own. It could be just a few more hours or days or even several weeks from now. There is no way of really knowing for sure." She saw how his body tense further and lifted a hand to placit him. "But I have no doubt she'll come around, young alpha. Patience and understanding is key in her recovery. She's been through a lot, of that I'm certain."

He nodded, unable to find the words to speak and she left him soon after. Leaving him alone with his thoughts.

He eventually pulled up an armchair and sat down next to her, instinctively reaching for her hand while contemplating his next move. Several of the surrounding wolf packs were closing in on them, determined to dethrone his family; and he, as the new alpha, had to act relatively quickly in order to prevent an uprising in their kingdom. His bloodline... his family had been in power since long before he'd been born and Sasuke was determined to keep it that way. But... with his mate still laying in a hospital bed unconscious, his pack on edge, and his wolf out for blood, he had no idea how he was going to manage to fix things.

But he had to try.

He couldn't give up.

The consequences, if so, would be deadly; not just for him, but for everyone that he's ever cared about.

My Snippets: Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz