The Power of Healing

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What happens when your fiancé protects you to the death, then shows up very much "alive" a little while later to help you bring down the bad guys and restore rightful order to the world? With the help of both old friends and new, can Sasuke and Sakura make it out of this predicament alive?

A sasusaku AU snippet. (May turn into a fic. I have ideas for it, but haven't decided 100% yet.) Vampire Sasuke. A supernatural fic. Love. Angst. Heartbreak. Healing with a happy ending. (Unedited!)


"Get in here," the blonde hissed, grasping onto her arm as he pulled her roughly through the threshold of his home. "I called you ages ago." He quickly slammed it behind them, twisting the lock into place, before turning around to meet her hardened gaze.

Sakura snorted indignantly and shifted the strap of her bag on her shoulder before jerking her left bicep out of his grip; ignoring the bruising sting that followed. "I came as quickly as I could. You have to realize I have eyes following me all of the time now, Naruto. I have to be careful." She dropped the bag to the ground and shrugged out of her jacket while bending at the waist to remove her red, knee-high sandals. After straightening her spine, she placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side. "Now... what do you need? What was so fucking urgent that it couldn't wait until morning? You just had to see me right now because...?"

He opened his mouth to speak when the sounds of wood creaking behind him broke the silence. Both parties turned to see a tall figure standing propped in the doorway at the end of the hall. A large robe (parted at the chest) shielded most of his pale skin; the shaggy wayward strands of black hair covered most of his face, but it was the vibrant hue of crimson coming from his slanted eyelids that glowed in the darkness as they stared back at her widened ones that caused the breath to hitch in the back of her throat and her heart to palpate rapidly.

It couldn't be—

Uchiha Sasuke... he had died during a mission years ago.

Sakura saw it happen.

Saw the blade plunge straight through his then beating heart after he'd fiercely protected her.

She'd been forced to leave him behind in order to save their charge.

But she SAW it happen.

So then, how was he here?

In the flesh.

"Sakura." The Uchiha's voice was smooth as honey as he addressed her directly, his gaze never wavering; somehow richer than she remembered it, and it reverberated around them, sending a strong jolt of pleasure down her spine and goosebumps to spring up across her flesh. Her lips parted, shock evident in her features and he remained completely silent, fused to the hallway wall while he waited for her to collect herself.

During the silence, her eyes raked over him; taking him in slowly and finding the tiny blemish that peppered his flesh she had originally missed. The bathrobe, though dark, was saturated with a multitude of stains and the metallic tang of blood was heavy in the air. He was injured... badly.

"W-what is this?! What's going on?!"

Her eyes shifted to Naruto and he seemed to avoid looking at her entirely; fueling her anger. She strolled towards him swiftly and reached up to snatch the collar of his work shirt before bringing him down to her level. He allowed it, ready to accept whatever she was about to throw at him... given the circumstances. "If you don't start explaining, I'm going to—"

"He didn't die, Sakura," Naruto stammered; hands lifted in an attempt to placate her. "I-I didn't know either until a few months ago. Sasuke," he said, using one hand to point his thumb backwards at the still unmoving Uchiha, "h-he...just showed up on my porch one night. I think it's best if you let him explain. After you heal him of course." His cheeky grin made her eyes narrow and she jerked him down swiftly as her knee came up and slammed into his gut. Naruto's grin instantly faded and he doubled over further... letting out a low grunt of pain as his arms wrapped around his waist. "I- why did you do that?!"


Her attention was drawn to the figure behind the blonde as a humorous snort was Sasuke's response. Their eyes met for the second time, and just like the first, it left her shaken and speechless. She felt her cheeks burn brightly when he scanned her body slowly and she cleared her throat, in an attempt to draw his attention back to her face.

Luckily for her... it worked. Naruto slowly stood up, though his gaze was wary while he rubbed soothing circles across his abdomen. "You realize what will happen if they find out about this," she cautioned. "About him... about us helping, right? The laws prohibit it." She felt her chest constrict and her gaze lowered; filled with sorrow. "He's... considered an enemy now, no matter what happened. The consequences will be severe—"

Sasuke remained silent, observing her; unflinching at her harsh, but straightforward words. The blonde on the other hand— "Those fucking laws were created by man," Naruto said matter-of-factly as he took a small step towards her... causing her gaze to instantly lift to meet his. "They can be changed or destroyed by them with equal efficiency. It just takes a little drop to cause a bigger ripple." He looked back at his best friend before turning to plead with her again. "I-I believe that we can be the change that we want to see, ya know. We can figure out what happened and we can fix all of this. You just have to have some faith. Please, Sakura... help me. Heal him so that we can change the world for the better. So that we can bring Sasuke home."

She felt her insides twist; old feelings and new mingling to push her brain into overload. Knowing what the right thing to do was though... because she would do anything to get Sasuke back in her life (as they once were)...she bent and lifted her doctor bag back onto her shoulder before silently moving past the Uzumaki and towards the raven-haired... whose gaze continuously penetrated her to her very soul with that unwavering stare. She stopped just a few steps away from him, doing everything in her power to keep her gaze upward and not on the small tuft of black curls visible on his chest from the top of the opened V of his robe. She knew this was ignorant on her part, given that almost all of their leader's guards were watching her closely... already suspecting her of treason, but for some reason...she didn't mind.

"So...," she said, almost hesitantly. "Where do you want to start?" A nervous feeling begins to form when she watches his mouth twist slightly into his signature, sexy smirk. Past memories began to rush forward (of him, her...them... and other, more "intimate" things); and it took everything in her power to keep the expression on her face neutral... though inside she was panicking and her poor cheeks still flushed a familiar shade of pink. As she followed him to one of the spare bedrooms, Sakura began to wonder that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

Because even if she felt the same for him... after all of this time... who's to say that he still did too?

My Snippets: Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant