From the Beyond

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Grief works in mysterious ways.

Undead Sakura and grieving widower Sasuke. A sasusaku supernatural snippet. Angst. Sadness. Loss. Love.

Idea inspired by this tweet (but NOT fully based on):


He tasted bile in the back of his throat and tried to swallow as fresh memories of his past love began to swarm around in his mind.

He shouldn't have come.

He shouldn't be here. His psychiatrist advised him on how unhealthy it was to linger in the past, but—

He felt a tear slip from his right eye and gasped, trying to catch his breath as a fresh wave of pain began to spread from his chest.

It would have been their fifth anniversary, had she still—

His grip on the grass beneath him tightened and he felt rather than hear the strands begin to rip from the earth as his eyes closed briefly.

Why her?

Why did it have to be her?

He would have gladly taken her place if he could've but he knew she wouldn't want that. She wouldn't want him to be wallowing in grief still, yet here he was... on his hands and knees, kneeling before her final resting place, the songs of birds long gone as night had fallen across the land, leaving only the cries of crickets to fill his eardrums; drowning out the erratic beating of his own heart.

He was in pain, so much fucking physical pain it made him sick, with no way of escaping the madness that clutched at the corners of his sanity...waiting to pounce and infect him with its dark intentions.

"Sakura," he whispered, his voice barely audible even in his own ears and his tears of anger and sorrow began to fall freely and splatter on the cold hard ground. "I'm sorry. I couldn't—"

His gaze then landed on her gravestone, the likes of which shone bright as the full moon stood proudly high in the sky. Sakura Uchiha. Loving wife. Dedicated surgeon. Beloved friend. She was only 32, far too young to have been taken yet, and in such a brutal fashion. His fingers curled, nails digging into the fresh dirt, as his expression turned deadly.

He vowed that they would pay for taking her from him.

No matter what, he would exact his revenge.

Before his thoughts could spiral further, he felt a vibration beneath his fingertips and froze; trying to detect where the feeling was coming from. Then, it began to increase in its intensity, surrounding the earth around him and he slowly stood before backing away; confusion causing him to shift this way and that while he searched the graveyard for any clue as to what was happening.


Sasuke gasped, stumbling backwards when he came face to face with a lone figure. The figure of a woman, dressed in all too familiar attire. He'd recognize that wedding dress anywhere... that pink hair... those green, green eyes. His eyes widened as he took another step back, astonishment and fear crippling him for a brief second as he gazed upon his lost love in shock and wonder.

This maiden looked like Sakura, but surely it couldn't be—

"Sasuke-kun? What's wrong?"

But it was.

That was her voice.

Sweet and timid as always and he began to hyperventilate when she staggered into the moonlight, revealing her true form.

Cuts and bruises marked up her once pristine skin, blood smeared across her cheeks and down the soft column of her neck, and her dress was torn and dirty all over.

Sakura looked... undead for a lack of better word and he didn't know how to act when she began to approach him; his mind trying to figure out if this haunting image was real or just a tortured figment of his imagination.


She seemed uncertain with the way he was looking at her, her staggered movements grotesque in nature. She was a measly few feet away now and his brain had finally begun to see this for what it was.

The stuff of nightmares.

With one final glance, Sasuke turned and ran.


Author's notes:

I think I like this title better for a different story idea so it might change, but for now... I'll leave it.

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