Little Red: Part 1

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While visiting her grandmother, things take a sinister turn.

A sasusaku snippet AU.

(Werewolf Sasuke/Little Red Riding Hood inspired Sakura)


Branches and twigs snapped while leaves crunched under bare, mud-caked feet as she made her way slowly through the dense foliage; her Ruby-red colored cloak contrasting sharply against the dull shades of Nature surrounding her.

When the wind began to pick up... the pink-haired maiden pulled the hood tighter around her thin shoulders, pressing on a little more swiftly as storm clouds began to roll in at a rapid pace.

'I need to hurry. Granny Tsunade is waiting for me and she is not a patient woman.'

The sound of thunder cracking nearby startled her and she nearly jumped out of her skin when lightning struck a large tree branch beside her, causing it to land just inches away from her feet. She paused then (sensing... something) and looked around, before squinting into the bushes on her far right. She couldn't be certain, but—

'Is that... a pair of eyes?'

She shivered from the cold (and rain that had begun to fall in earnest) and shook her head, convincing herself that the 'eyes' she saw were merely an illusion...brought on by her now frantically working mind and after a few more seconds of pause, the young woman took off down the barely their path, onward towards her grandmother's cabin.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in, child. It's open."

The pinkette wiped her dirty feet across the welcome mat, placed neatly near the front door, before twisting the knob. As soon as she stepped foot inside the wind blew past her, causing a bone-chilling breeze to enter the warm interior of the cabin. Her grandmother, who stood by the stove, had a deep scowl on her ashen-colored lips when she turned to look at her granddaughter.

"Close the door behind you child," the older woman hissed while she brought a pot to the open flames in her fireplace. "You let in the cold."

Sakura quickly stepped fully into the cabin before shutting and locking the door behind her. She peeled off her cloak and hung it on the rack by the door before stepping further into the small home. She rubbed her hands together and blew into them, to try and fight off the chill that had seeped deeply into her bones. Tsunade looked at her for a minute before shaking her head.

"Come, sit. Warm yourself."

Sakura eagerly complied and rushed over to the chairs by the fire while her grandmother placed a wooly blanket over her shoulders. "Thanks, Granny." Tsunade just nodded her head while the storm continued to rage outside, the older woman taking a spoon to stir the contents of the pot.

A sweet aroma began to fill their surroundings and Sakura had finally stopped shaking, just a few minutes before her grandma got a few bowls and spoons out of her cabinets and drawers. "It smells delicious."

"I hope you eat a bunch, child. There is plenty."

"I'm sure I—"


The lights began to flicker and the pinkette jumped as her grandma reached behind the door to her bedroom to grab a shovel. "Get behind me child," her granny growled, while lifting the metal shovel high into the air. Sakura did as she was told, fear gripping her while the bangs began to sound all around them, the single light hanging high on the ceiling flickering wildly... almost as if it was outraged by both the violent storm and the thing trying to break in.

"Let... me... in."


"W-who is that?"

"Shh," Tsunade whispered, her grip on the shovel growing white as she took a small step forward. "Don't speak. He'll hear you." Sakura swallowed slowly, her heart pounding in her chest... as if it was trying to make a run for it...but fear caused her feet to remain firmly planted on the wood floor, while her grandma inched towards the door. 'Who is... he? What the hell is going on?'

"Don't make me ask again, old woman."


"Leave, you have no business here, wolf." The light above them dimmed and lightning flashed, before a large clap of thunder resonated behind them. The pinkette shook as an unnatural cold wormed its way throughout her body and no matter how close she was to the roaring fire... she couldn't get warmed by it.

This was something that Sakura had never experienced before... and it was truly terrifying.

"You know better than that, old woman...," the deep voice growled as more bangs sounded around them, followed by mournful wolf howls. "You know what and who she is to us now, hand her over to me... or suffer the consequences."

Her grandmother turned to her with a soft smile on her lips as she gazed at the girl fondly. "Sakura, my child... go now to the safe room and no matter what happens, don't come out. No matter what you might hear... see, smell... or feel, don't leave those four walls. Don't intervene... understand me?"

Sakura was about to protest, but the look in her grandma's eyes caused her to bite her tongue. She instead ran to her and wrapped her arms around her middle squeezing for all that she was worth... somehow knowing that if things went south... this may be the last time that she would be able to do so. With one final tear-filled she turned and ran; locking the safe door behind her and huddling herself against the far wall. This room held memories for her as a kid... happy memories even, but this, oh this moment...was a complete and utter nightmare.



The sounds of wood breaking were followed by a deep and muffled growl... then footsteps as someone (or something) heavily entered the cabin. The howling had mostly stopped by now and her heartbeat was really the only thing Sakura could hear for a moment before her granny shrieked. "No, get out of my house, you vile beast!"

"Don't presume that you have the authority to talk to me of all people in such a way, Tsunade. You are lucky we even allow you to live on our lands. Now hand her over and I will spare you."

"I will not!!! You cannot have my granddaughter! She is too pure for your black heart, wolf! She is way too good for the likes of you!"

"Such disrespect. Fine, if you want to be so bold as to defy me... I will show you no mercy!"

Loud thuds could be heard as some sort of scuffle ensued between them and Sakura placed her hands over her ears at the soft whimpering of her grandmother, rocking as she began to silently sob anew. 'She said not to intervene. She said to stay here. But how can I when—'

The most profound silence filled the air around her and not even the storm could penetrate the four surrounding walls. Sakura thought for a second, for a split second she hoped that her grandma would simply open the door and pull her into her loving embrace. But then, she looked up—

Her hands came up to cover her mouth, a low and muffled scream filled her lungs when she witnessed a pair of deep, blood red eyes peered in at her through a minuscule slit in the doorway. The wicked grin on the figure's wolfy lips sent a fresh wave of terror-filled shivers down her spine.

And then he spoke, his voice so eerily calm that it made her feel sick to her stomach. "Little red, little red... let me in."


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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