Papa's Cuddles

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"Turns out all she needed was her Papa's cuddles."

Blank-period sasusaku SHORT snippet with baby Sarada!


Sarada has been crying for what seemed like hours and her Papa was beside himself with what to do. Sakura was no help at the moment after forcing the infant into his lone arm and declaring that she had to go to their bedroom and pump. So there he stood, gently bouncing and rocking the weeping child with no end to her meltdown in sight.

Sasuke was frustrated with his lack of appendage at that moment, briefly wondering if it would have helped him in this situation, before another sharp cry from his offspring caused his teeth to clamp tightly; the sound shrill, directly next to his ear.

Exhaustion from the lack of sleep over the last few nights was finally weighing on him and he decided to lie down on the couch for a while with his child... hoping that somehow this new position would help to soothe her somehow. She was squirming in earnest on his abdomen, and he lifted his broken limb up to prevent her from falling off, while leaning back to rest his head on the armrest.

Once situated, Sasuke began to pat and rub her back in kind, alternating between the two and was surprised when Sarada finally began to settle; her once frantic vocals now barely above a whimper before she finally settled against him; small fists holding tightly onto his shirt while her legs were bent slightly at the knees.

He slowed his bouncing and patting before stopping them altogether and when she remained unmoving, he let out a deep, slow sigh of relief. Silence met his eardrums and all was right in the world again. Carefully placing his lone arm behind his head, the Uchiha patriarch began to relax. Until he heard soft movement to his right that is. He opened his eyes and turned his head slightly... looking at his wife who stood next to the side of the darkly upholstered settee with a warm, freshly-made bottle in hand.

Sakura gave him a soft smile and placed the bottle next to him on the coffee table, before taking a baby blanket from the back of the couch and draping it across the small babe for a bit of warmth. The newly appointed Uchiha matriarch then pressed a delicate kiss to the apex of her daughter's forehead, before placing a palm gently on top of her head.

She then whispered to her still silent husband, "Turns out all she needed was her Papa's cuddles."


Based off of this artwork:

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