Runaway Prince

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He was an arrogant, egotistical jerk who thought he knew all and controlled all, but boy was he wrong.

However, that didn't stop him from falling in love with the young, pink-haired maiden.

A sasusaku AU. Prince Sasuke & Knight Sakura.


"Watch your fucking back next time, you dumb ass...," the pink-haired warrior huffed in irritation as she sheathed her sword; a look of pure distain ever present on her features as she adjusted her stance away from the crumpled, dead remains of their enemy. Sasuke huffed, adjusting his shirt and collar, before bending slightly to dust the dirt from his trousers with his palms. His lips twisted into a deep scowl as he looked at her from the corner of his eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to, maiden?"

"Well," she growled with her hands on her hips, eyeing him slowly up and then back down. "You are the only asshole I see here at the moment, so yes, I'm indeed talking to you."

Sasuke couldn't help but roll his eyes at the young lady's choice of words and after brushing the final specks of dirt from his clothes, he finally turned to fully face her; rising to his full height (which he secretly took pleasure in knowing that he towered over her) while crossing his arms over his broad chest. "I supposed this is the part where I should be thanking you then?"

"I suppose you're right."

"I said that I should, not that I will."

"Of course not," the pinkette sighed, rolling her eyes while her gestures turned despondent. "What are you doing out here anyway, sire?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"Do you always have to make things so difficult?"

"There is nothing difficult about this, maiden."

The woman sighed and used her right hand to run down the full length of her face before turning to leave without a word. Fueled by his own curiosity, Sasuke began to follow her through the thick foliage. It was only after a few paces when Sasuke's ankle caught on a thin thread, setting off a previously invisible booby trap.

As thick ropes began to twist around his ankle, pulling him to the ground once again as it dragged him backwards, he felt himself begin to panic slightly at the idea of what would happen to him when he made it to the end of them.

He tried to pull his foot free, but he was too ensnared in its trap to be released so easily. Just as he was about to give in and call out for help, a bright, albeit abrupt flash of metal appeared out of the corner of his eye and he glanced up in time to see the fair maiden from before slicing through the ropes with her sword; a battle cry released from her lungs as the sounds of slicing could be heard only seconds after. He opened his mouth to speak when the tension on his leg ceased, when she suddenly fell to the ground and grabbed him, rolling them a little bit away from his previous position before they came to rest... with her straddling his hips.

A loud thudding sounded after, and Sasuke turned to see that a large metal ax had come down precisely where his head had just been. He leaned back, closing his dark eyes while he tried to catch his breath and slow down his racing heartbeat. "Are you always this accident prone, sire? Or is it just when I'm around," the sweet maiden inquired as she rose up above him to catch her own breath.

With the pinkette momentarily distracted by the sight and position of the ax, (as she turned to look at it) Sasuke was able to get a good look at her features. Although it was her profile that he was drawn to, he could still feel how thin her frame was beneath his fingertips as he clung to her sides; and he briefly wondered if she was eating properly, before he realized the way in which he was holding onto her. The young prince froze... unable to fully grasp the concept that he had a young woman sitting atop his hips (as if it was an everyday occurrence for her) and was wondering how he should proceed when she suddenly rose from her position, but not before placing a warm, opened palm against his toned abdomen.

He was both thankful that she had moved, but also cursing her for stirring something within him that he had previously never felt before with anyone else. Sure, the young Prince has had ample amounts of courtships with young, hopeful, and prominent Princesses but none of them interested him for very long and he would send them away soon after. But this woman... she was an entirely new concept for Sasuke and he was drawn to her; almost like a moth was drawn to an open flame.

He just hoped that she wouldn't burn him in the end.

His thoughts were interrupted by the pink-haired when she turned around to look at him carefully. It perturbed him that he couldn't detect what she was thinking and so he busied himself with getting to his feet, before once again brushing dirt from his trousers; though at this point, it seemed like a useless task to him. Finally, she broke the silence between them.

"I guess you will have to come with me then, sire. So that I can keep an eye on you; since you do seem fairly accident prone." The light jab at his incompetence made him snort; a very un-noble like sound indeed... and he rolled his eyes at her as he met her gaze.

"Of course, fair maiden. Lead the way."

Moments later—

"Not again...," the pinkette growled as she pressed him up against a tree, narrowly avoiding being sliced in half as yet another booby trap was set off by the clumsy king-to-be. "I swear if we make it out of this damn forest in one piece... you owe me big time, sire."

"It's Sasuke."

"Huh...," she mumbled, only half paying attention as she watched the dangerous pendulum swing back and forth behind them.

"My name... you may call me Sasuke." She glanced at him then... momentarily forgetting the swinging weapon behind them... while her eyes intensified, as if she recognized him from somewhere, but her expression quickly shifted and a small, sort-of smile began to form at the corner of her lips; her features finally softening somewhat at his playful tone.

"Okay, Sasuke. Then you may call me Sakura."

My Snippets: Part 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt