Going Home - Uchiha Edition

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Going home to meet his family had gone smoother than she'd anticipated. That is, until they all decided to show up.

A sasusaku short modern AU. 18+ for only slight language and insinuations. (Unedited.) Supposed to be more on the light-hearted side.



The sound of birds singing helped to gently rouse her from sleep. She stirred slowly, turning leisurely onto her back to stretch out her sleepy muscles. Sakura hadn't opened her eyes just yet, but the heavy weight of her fiancés right arm lying across her torso, and the way his lips gently brushed across her collarbone, caused her mouth to pull taunt with a warm smile.

When the pinkette finally did manage to open her eyes, he was looking at her from above where he leaned heavily on his elbow. Their lips met seconds later, lazily greeting one another after a night apart. When he pulled away from her, she sighed. "Morning," he whispered against her forehead as he planted a soothing kiss to the center of it. "Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Oh. Did you order it this time?"

"I did. I figured it would just be easier to clean up since we need to be on the road by eight." He started to rise, taking his warmth with him. "I'll leave you to get ready and go put our bags in the car while we wait for our food to get here." Mischievously, she bit down on the corner of her bottom lip and reached towards him, quickly grabbing onto his wrists to pull him back down to her.

His bare torso was now hovering completely above as he held himself up with both hands on either side of her head. The corner of her lips then lifted into a wicked smirk. "How about you stay and help me get ready...and we'll deal with the bags later." His eyes flashed and his mouth twitched before he bent down to kiss her.

The city was much different and much bigger than she had originally anticipated it to be, and she watched it quickly fly past her window with both fascination and trepidation while her fiancé expertly weaved through the traffic; while briefly giving her descriptions or explanations of certain buildings from his childhood hometown.

Sakura wondered, if his family was so well-off and in such a higher class socially than her little old country self, would they really be the type to be able to welcome her hospitably with open arms? She wouldn't fit well into this society, she could already feel it.

The pink-haired began to tug anxiously at the knee-length hem of her sun dress, and her fiancé gently reached over to clasp his hand over hers... locking her fingers between his before bringing her hand up to his lips to kiss her palm; all the while, his vigilant gaze remained firmly on the road ahead. "Don't worry, Sakura. They'll love you."

She sincerely hoped that he was right.

Integrating herself into the heart of the Uchiha family went much smoother than she had anticipated. His Mom was so down to earth and sweet-natured; even if she dressed like the First Lady. His Dad was a very stoic and stern man; he had a very intimidating aura about him, but was kind to her and easily welcomed her into the fold...and she could very easily see that he absolutely adores his family... especially his wife of twenty plus years. His older brother, Itachi, was a lot more soft-spoken and laid back than the rest, making it easy for the pinkette to converse with him from the very beginning, and just his presence alone helped to bring her anxiety down greatly.

All-in-all, she was having a great time and after two days of visiting already felt at home and at ease as she helped his mom in the kitchen, helped his dad in the garden and helped his brother with the shopping. It was going great—

That is, until everyone decided to show up.

"Sasuke! You didn't tell us your girl was so beautiful!"

"And with pink hair too?! She's really going to stand out in family photos, eh."

"She's very pretty. Congratulations to both of you. When is the big day?"

"At least you decided to find a suitable bride before I died, my boy. After all, I'm not getting any younger."

"I think we're all a bit surprised when you announced your engagement. Thought for sure you'd end up with that one chick from Suna. Haha."

"Engaged. Hmm. I thought you were gay. Oh well. Maybe now Mikoto can get the grandbabies she's always wanted since Itachi and his little lady are dragging their feet."

"Aww, she's so cute... and tiny! She looks like a little fairy!"

Sakura's head was on a swivel while she was bombarded with question after question and she began to feel slightly overwhelmed by it all... until a gentle hand was placed on the center of her back. She tilted her head to the side and almost let out an audible sigh of relief.

"Everyone, please just let the poor girl breathe for a while. You can ask your questions later...," Itachi hummed as he gave each of his nosy family members surrounding her an unusually stern look. The majority of them grumbled under their breaths, but soon branched off and began to move to other parts of the house; seeking out the rest of his family, and now the only one who remained in front of them was a younger looking woman with long dark hair and a striking, warm smile.

"Thank you," Sakura whispered and he gave her a smile of reassurance as a response.

"Sakura, I'd like you to meet my wife, Izumi. Don't worry, she won't overwhelm you like the rest of them."

"I'm so sorry about our crazy family," the woman said while reaching out her left hand to shake Sakura's. "They can be a bit.. much at times. But they mean well; all of them really. Except for maybe Gramps Madara. He's kinda at that age where everything, and I mean everything, comes out of his mouth without a filter." Sakura chuckled at this and allowed Izumi to drag her away to the sitting room where Sasuke's mother was conversing with another woman.

She soon felt at ease with Izumi in the same way she had with Itachi and before she knew it, it was time for dinner.

"I'm sorry about my family," Sasuke panted while he pulled her against his side after a long round of lovemaking. She nuzzled affectionately against his neck and sighed; her hot breath fanning his already heated, slick skin.

"Honestly," she started after catching her breath. "At first it was a bit overwhelming for me. But it really wasn't all that bad in the end. Just a lot at once I suppose."

"I wish they wouldn't have done that. They needed to give you space."

"It's fine. Itachi was there... and his wife, Izumi, was lovely. She stayed with me the whole time. I saw you talking with your cousins though and you seemed a little... upset by it. Are you okay?" Even though she couldn't see it, she just knew that Sasuke was rolling his eyes.

"Tsk. They were just teasing me about our relationship. It was inappropriate for a large family dinner. Especially with Mother in the room."

"Oh," was all she could think to say. Her cheeks heated a bit at the insinuations and she decided to instead change the subject. "Your grandfather Madara was hilarious. Is he always like that?" Sasuke snorted and pulled her closer.

"He's never, ever been one to filter what he's thinking. He's gotten worse with old age. He comes up with the stupidest things."

"So... that one story about you when you were a teenager and got your dick stuck in a—"

"Lies. All fucking lies." Sakura laughed heartily at the utter disgust in his tone and leaned back; her hand reaching up to cup his cheek to pull his gaze to hers.

"Even if it was true, I'd still love you, Sasuke." He rolled his eyes fully at this, causing a huge smile to tug at her lips as she leaned up to kiss him on his.

Being with him, and his family, like this—

'Yeah,' she thought. 'I could get used to this.'

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now