The Hunter and the Hunted 🔞

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One night spent in passion's embrace with a once great Alpha (turned rogue) wasn't enough to quench my wolf's thirst for him. And now, I've been charged with the difficult task of tracking said Alpha down and bringing him home to be placed on trial for his numerous crimes. This should be fun.

A sasusaku werewolf AU. Told from Sakura's POV. Slight 18+ content due to a HEAVY make out session between Sasuke and Sakura. Angst, betrayal, eventual mates.


I scented the air as he approached, hiding my smirk with a neutral expression when the sounds of dried-up, crunching leaves and twigs could be heard underfoot. I waited for his shadow to appear before me in the brush before I spoke. "I think this cat and mouse game of yours is frivolous, rogue. No matter where you go, I'll find you. I have your scent. So you can't hide from me."

"Who said I was trying to hide, little wolf," the man growled deeply from the back of his throat. "Maybe I enjoy the thrill of the chase," he continued as he slipped into the clearing, where the moonlight reflected off of his alabaster skin. My insides quivered at the sight of him; memories of our trysts at the forefront of my mind, but momentarily until he took a calculated step closer. I lifted up my chin defiantly... baring my teeth at him; daring him to come closer to me.

His little, dark chuckle resonated around us; his apparent amusement at my defiance causing my body to tighten up with tension while I tried to anticipate his next move. It was getting close to my heat cycle (just a few days away) and I wondered briefly if this lone wolf could smell it on me... my pheromones were running rampid after all, while my body tried to prepare itself.

Based on the way his nostrils flared as he scented me and his eyes darkened significantly (IF that was even possible) afterwards, indicated to me that he more than likely could; and given that he was an alpha by nature... it wasn't at all surprising. I decided it was time to distract him and myself. "So then tell me, rogue, how is it that you're enjoying all of this, when I'm the one doing the chasing?"

"Are you sure about that, little wolf?" My eyes narrowed at his chosen nickname for me (flashing briefly) before a low growl slipped past my lips in retaliation at his backhanded comment. This man used to call me that, before everything happened, and I always took it as a kind of mockery of my small stature. "How do you know that I wasn't the one who lured you into my lair...," he continued; bravely, or stupidly, coming even closer to me. "To trap you and keep you all to myself?"

"I'll kill you if that's the case," I snapped. "... and drag your body somewhere that no one will ever find it again." His lip lifted on the right, his smirk downright sinful as he stepped into my personal space finally; but I refused to back away, or be intimidated by him, and instead tilted my head back slightly to hold eye contact with him.

"Sounds like a tempting battle, little wolf. But I assure you that I wouldn't lose it." It was my turn to smirk as I stepped up boldly to wrap my leg around his hip; pressing into him as I reached up to pull him down, so I could press my lips against his ear.

"You underestimate me then, little rogue," I purred, pulling away slightly so that our lips were only inches apart now. I waited to see his response to me and felt his hands move to cup my ass seconds later while he pulled me closer; our chest now pressed together; hearts beating rapidly against one another. My eyelids lowered sensually, my lips parted. I had him right where I wanted him. Keeping eye contact, I slowly allowed the tip of my tongue to swipe across my lips before leaning forward to do the same to his.

His eyes almost instantaneously shifted from black to dark crimson, swirling wildly with desire while his breath hitched and his long fingers flexing against my ass. The final push for him was when I slowly dragged my bottom lip between my teeth; after that, he snapped. His thin lips crashed onto mine in the same instant he lifted me up by the thighs; and my legs instinctively wrapped around his hips, hands lifting to tangle in his dark locks. My back slammed into a nearby tree trunk just moments later and the very air was knocked momentarily out of my lungs... causing me to gasp against him. He situated me on his thighs, using them as a type of support for my weight before his large hands moved up to cup my cheeks... run through my hair before moving to my throat (where he ended up pressing his thumbs against my pulse briefly) and then lower until he cupped my breasts in his palms. I deepened the kiss by forcing my tongue into his mouth; my grip on him tightening by the second.

My body was on fire, my mind swirling with indecision, but I knew deep down what I had to do now (what I came here to do), and knowing it was wrong and feeling slightly guilty, I tried to use my body as a type of distraction for him while simultaneously reaching into my jacket pocket for the lone needle residing there. I rubbed my hips repeatedly against his hard-on as I open the needle successfully, moaning so loudly to cover up the noise of it, before holding it tightly in by grasp; swinging my arm down to jab it right into his n—

I hissed, deeply in pain; biting down on his bottom lip when his right hand left my right breast quickly and gripped onto my left wrist tightly; slamming the appendage into the tree behind me and pinning it there as he jerked away from my mouth with a bloodied lip; the needle fell to the ground with a soft thud. Then everything went completely silent... apart from our rapid breathing. I felt physically sick at the sight of him when I finally plucked up the courage to meet his dark eyes.

His expression was a mixture of desire, anger, and hurt. It was really hard to hold eye contact with him after that. I felt extremely guilty for this and opened my mouth instinctively to express my feelings to him with an apology, but nothing came out of my mouth; and his expression darkened. After all of two seconds my world was spinning as he flipped our positions, slamming my back onto the forest floor, while he continued to hold onto me like before except he'd used his strength to pin both of my hands above my head with only one of his... utilizing my momentarily stunned state for his advantage and using it against me to leave me vulnerable to his fury.

I could still feel him, hard and heavily, pressing against my cunt, and involuntarily whimpered when a slight movement caused it to rub against me. He used his free hand to bring the tiny needle up between us, forcing me to look at it. My gaze lowered then in shame. "Really...little wolf? What did you plan on doing once you'd drugged me, hmm? Take me back home? Get a huge reward for my retrieval? Mate with one of the new alpha's elder sons?" The last question was asked with so much venom, I felt my body quiver with both desire and fear. I opened my mouth to speak, but the only sounds to come out were small squeaks. I felt my cheeks heat with utter embarrassment, unable to even defend my own actions against his accusations.

Then the thought occurred to me— Why was I doing this? Why did I turn on him like this? Why was I even listening to the elders of our pack... when all they've ever done is hurt those whom they were charged with protecting?

He didn't give me much time to reconsider, and bent down heavily to immobilize me; using my weapon against me by shoving the little needle deep into my neck, before forcing the liquid inside into my veins. My eyes widened and I tried to break the firm hold he had on me, but it was useless as I quickly began to feel the effects of the drug as it entered into my system. "No, no, no, no," I kept murmuring as my energy and strength began to waver, before my body went completely limp beneath him.

The last thing I remember is the rogue lifting himself off of me, and praying that he didn't leave me here to die before everything went black and completely silent as a peaceful slumber consumed me.


Side note: In this universe, it's unheard of to have a "fated mate", so most wolves mate due to chemistry (when they first meet) or the chemistry they possess during intimacy.

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