Temporary Arrangement (It Was Only Ever Temporary)

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When "friends with benefits" end in heartbreak, who will be there to pick up the pieces? What will become of them and how will they survive without the other? Can love conquer all or was it just never meant to be?

An angsty modern Charasuke & Sakura AU snippet.


He was leaning casually against a back wall in an alley as she approached; his expression cold and indifferent to her plight. His eyes were red-rimmed and the sclera were pink and veiny. He was high again, she noticed as she stopped before him.

Her body was shaking.

She was livid.

"You knew what this was, Kitten," he offered up casually as a defense; leisurely tapping on his lit cigarette with his free hand resting in the pocket of his ripped jeans. He watched as her fists clenched and unclenched where they hung by her sides and sighed before flicking the butt to the ground. "Don't tell me now, that you've changed your mind, darlin'. Don't tell me now that you've started to feel something for me." The pinkette swallows slowly; her throat on the brink of constricting after hearing how callously and calmly he'd said those words.

"I-I just thought—"

But he wasn't finished with her just yet.

He reached for another cigarette as he continued.

"I told you from the beginning how this would play out. If you were to stupid and naïve to figure it out then... well I can't be blamed for your ignorance, Kitten. I can't be held responsible. I can't be at fault for your feelings." Then, the final nail in the coffin. "This was always only ever gonna be a temporary thing," he shrugged his shoulders indifferently. "It meant nothing to me."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving her heart shattered into a million different pieces. But even though she was angry at him, she knew deep down that she only had herself to blame. Because Sasuke was right after all. Deep down inside of her she knew that this arrangement was only temporary. How stupid could she have been, to let herself feel again? Well not anymore. Sakura refused to allow the fresh tears welling up in her eyes to fall. She held her head high as she made her way to the bus station. Her resolve was absolute.

She was done with men.

She was done with love.

She was done with heartbreak.

She was done with him.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now