🩸Making a Hybrid 🐺

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The white werewolf and her vampire companions.


—years past—

Kidnapped, used and abused, then transformed...

... into a fucking bloody monster.

A mutation that was once classified as a vampire, is now called something completely new.

A hybrid, the likes of which has never been seen before.

The fight of her life, her escape, and then her solitude—

She was a rogue now... an outsider, an outcast... but that didn't mean that she didn't seek companionship or want to find the place that she once called home.


Sasuke and his brother were taking their younger sister for a walk in the woods when it happened. So suddenly that neither saw it coming.

The white she-wolf that charged at them was beautiful and if it wasn't for the snarling and snappy canines coming at their faces, Sasuke might be able to appreciate her a little bit more.

"Stay back," his older brother screamed, but she ignored him; her green eyes focused on something beyond them. He has a swift decision to make and so, with everything he had, Sasuke grabbed hold of his little sister before ducking to the ground; tucking her within his grasp and turning his back to the incoming danger.

But it never came.

At least, not from her.

He felt a slight wind whip past them and lifted his head to see the white wolf leaping over them and charging in the opposite direction before she slammed into a large, black panther. The collision was finalized with a resounding thud and the pair began to tumble over one another while trying to grab hold of any body part that they possibly could.

The wolf won this round when her teeth sank deeply into the big cat's rear flanks. It howled in pain before snapping its much larger teeth at her, but she quickly released him and then dodged as he whipped around to grab hold of her legs.

The fight seemed to go on forever as Itachi slowly moved to stand between his siblings and the dangerous scene, watching and waiting to see the outcome. Finally, the cat relented and retreated into the dark underbrush, leaving the wolf covered in blood, from head to toe.

She stood on slightly shaky legs and turned; her eyes all-knowing as she scanned the three Uchiha clan members. A loud crashing sound could be heard behind them and as Sasuke tensed, out stumbled his best friend. "Teme, there you guys ar—"

The blonde paused, his cerulean eyes widening at the animal across from them while his nostrils flared. "N-no... way. I-it can't be..."

"What are you talking about," Sasuke whispered, his eyes following his best friend's line of vision to gaze at the wolf once more. This time, something familiar twanged in his heart and he felt it leap to life as her eyes met his. His own nostrils flared anew and a familiar scent hit him, one that he hasn't been able to scent on his sheets and clothing for a very long time.

'It can't be!?! Is... is that really her? Impossible! It can't...'


The she-wolf removed her gaze from Sasuke's in order to observe the blonde Uzumaki with a familiar fondness and a soft whimper fell almost silently from her bloody jowls, an indicator that his assumption was indeed correct. It was in fact their long-lost friend. But how could Sakura Haruno, a fucking vampire, (and his missing mate) transform into a... a werewolf? 

"That... is... impossible," Itachi whispered softly, the words coming out as more shocked, than unbelieving. "How in the hell..."

Sasuke released his sister and stood, noting that the wolf was watching his every move closely and stepped towards her slowly. She didn't appear to cower away and when he was finally close enough, he stopped, kneeling down slowly to be eye level with her. It was in that moment that he felt the familiar pull he always felt with his mate, the one that he had missed for so long, that he almost assumed he would never feel again.

"It's her," he said confidently as he reached his hand up to rub behind her ears. "It's Sakura." The female wolf nuzzled against his touch and her eyes closed briefly while a soft chuffing sound could be heard from the back of her throat. "I don't know how, but I just... know. I can feel it."

"We must tell father at once," Itachi stated as he bent to lift his little sister onto his back. "Also, we need to figure out how this happened to her and see if it can be reversed."

"I'll go ahead," Naruto said with a slight nod, before turning and racing back into the thick brush. Sasuke stood and then motioned for Sakura to follow, but she had no sooner taken a step when she yelped out in pain and halted. He could see now that her injuries were far more severe than he had originally thought they were.

He made a sound in the back of his throat and bent once more before lifting her into his arms. She protested only for a minute before settling into his arms. "Don't worry, I've got you, Sakura. We will figure this out, together."

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now