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Feeling slightly awkward with their new relationship.

A sasusaku blank-period SHORT snippet. (An unedited & random thought— If it doesn't make sense, sorry. 😅)


Sakura was lying on her back, one arm poised by her face while the other rested on her chest; one of her legs cocked up next to him as he hovered by her side...gazing down at her with a softened expression. The bright, iridescent glow coming in through the large, picturesque windows from the moonlight streaming in on her sleeping form gave her pale skin an almost ethereal sheen. Sasuke's heart swelled at the sight before him.

She's beautiful.

Things had been progressing between them... enough for the couple to feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed as the inn they were currently staying at had no other options on such short notice. "Single bed occupancies available... ONLY...," the older woman at the front desk had declared with a boisterous enthusiasm and a sly wink that reminded Sasuke of his former team members; and in an attempt to get her to stop, he had quickly reached into his cloak to an inner pocket and pulled out some money before slapped it onto the counter, before snatching the room key that was dangling precariously from her outstretched boney fingers. He didn't mind sharing a room with Sakura... nor a bed... but the idea of others knowing about it, still unnerved him; given how he liked to keep his personal affairs to himself.

Being preoccupied and off-guard, Sasuke wasn't prepared for Sakura to turn over... forcing him onto his back. He let out a low grunt and then froze when he felt her body wrap around his side; her thigh pressed against his crotch while her arm lay across his chest, her forehead resting against his shoulder and the fingers from her other hand lay next to his neck.

His good arm was frozen in midair, his mind growing blank at what to do from here. Should he shove her away, gently, back onto her own side... or leave her be? They had never been this close, at least not on a non-fighting, non-training basis. Sure he had put his arm around her waist to pull her away from danger and sure she had clung to his back with her arms and legs wrapped around his torso and neck as he had flung them off a cliff and into a warped universe of his own creation to escape from danger.

But lying in bed with her like this was— something else.

He felt his cheeks burn when she adjusted, wiggling closer to him and pressing her leg down; her lips now pressed on his throat as she let out a soft sigh. He turned his head to the side, activating his eye to prepare to swap places with one of her pillows when he heard her whisper, "I love you, Sasuke-kun."

The Uchiha froze again, but only briefly before he changed his mind; his sharingan eye shifting back to its normal solid onyx-color while he slowly started to relax against her; his good arm coming down to allow his hand to lower and rest on her upper thigh. His chin came to settle against the top of her head and after a few moments, he finally fell asleep.


The next morning, Sakura woke slowly, the sweet scent of sandalwood (and something that was specifically Sasuke) penetrated her senses and she took a deep breath in while a soft smile graced her lips.

That was until—

Her eyelids slowly fluttered open and when her eyes had finally adjusted to the morning light, she fought back a soft gasp of utter surprise at the sight that greeted her. Finding herself completely wrapped around the Uchiha, intertwined with his long limbs, had been completely unexpected and caught her off guard; sending her vivid imagination reeling while her cheeks reddened with embarrassment. Much to her dismay, she found his hand pressed against the bare skin of her upper thigh, and she suddenly felt hot all over. Sakura's poor cheeks were practically bursting into flames at this point, and she carefully extracted herself from his side so as to not disturb him... falling softly onto her back and was thankful when she sensed that his breathing had not changed in the slightest. He was still sleeping; his face peaceful and serene.

In need of some space and to clear her mind, she made her way carefully to the bathroom and decided to take a long, cold shower.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now