Talk Dirty to Me 🔞

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Slight 18+. Set in the blank-period era. Sasusaku SHORT snippet. No description.


"Sakura! Sakura...wait," he calls as he quickly tries to stuff himself back inside his pants. But Sakura is already almost twenty steps ahead of him now, and the distance between them is growing steadily with each passing second.

"Just forget about it, Sasuke-kun...," the pinkette hollers to him from over her shoulder (without turning around) as she finishes adjusting her shorts back into place. "Forget I said anything."

"I can't just forget about it, Sakura," he growled back, after finally succeeding and began to walk purposefully towards his girlfriend...who seemed hell bent on avoiding him at all cost. He wasn't having it. He wasn't in the mood. Not after what she had just said to him in the heat of the moment. It made the Uchiha's blood boil with a newfound desire that demanded to be explored further.

He caught her easily enough and grabbed her by the hand before swiftly tugging her around to face him. The pinkette however did her best to avoid any and all eye contact with him, her cheeks flushed a shade of crimson so red it would make McIntosh apples jealous. Sakura tried desperately to jerk her hand free from his, but he refused...using some of his own strength and chakra to hold her in place. "I want to know what you said...," the dark-haired shinobi demanded and the heat in the kunoichi's cheeks somehow intensified as she bit down on her bottom lip before turning her head almost completely to the side to try and shield herself from view.

"I said forget it. I-I've ruined things."

"You didn't. I was just surprised." He pulled her to him and her free hand pressing against his chest to keep herself at a safe distance; lest she get herself into trouble again. But he wasn't having it. Feeling somewhat brave in his resolve he whispered, "I didn't want us to stop." He then licked his lips leisurely as he watched her expression slowly change when she realized what he had just said. Morphing into an unrecognizable expression briefly before landing on one of utter surprise.

Sakura turned her head and looked at him then, her mouth agape and green, expressive eyes went wide. "W-what!?!" Sasuke smirked at her now completely flustered state, and bent until his mouth pressed gently against the shell of her left ear.

"Sakura, I want you to say it again." He felt her body quiver as she finally leaned into him; feeling his hardness rubbing against her abdomen. She then let out a shuttered breath of anticipation, while his hand released her own, in favor of brushing his fingertips along the hem of her shorts. "Say... it...," he demanded with a growl; his lips moving along her jaw at an agonizingly sensual pace; one that caused her to bend slightly at the waist as she tilted her head to give him better access to her exposed skin.

He could feel her pulse thrumming in her veins, her chakra running rampant through her entire body, and realized that his was doing the same thing as he brought her down onto a bed of soft pine needles. And the surrounding forest had grown silent apart from their harsh panting while her hands moved up to rest on his biceps.

"Sasuke-kun...," her voice was sultry; demanding, alluring while she nipped affectionately at his earlobe. "Talk dirty to me."

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now