The Crimson Devil

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He comes to her at night, when she's alone & vulnerable, trying to persuade her over to the dark side.

A sasusaku AU snippet. Devil Sasuke and human Sakura. (I will do a version of a devil Sakura and human Sasuke at some point... hopefully!)


Sakura was lying in bed after a hard day of work...too tired to clean up as she had intended and instead chose to read a few chapters in her favorite book before going to sleep.

The pink- haired was on the final page of chapter ten when her eyes began to lower and before she knew it... she had fallen fast asleep.

She found herself in a dark labyrinth of corridors, aimlessly walking in the direction of a soft, glowing light that seemed to never grow closer; staying the same annoying distance ahead of her and completely out of reach. But just as she had grown frustrated and was ready to turn around, a door appeared before her and the soft glowing light seemed to be emanating from beneath it.

She hesitantly turned the knob before stepping inside of a large and fairly empty room; apart from a throne sitting tall in the center of it.

She took a deep breath and approached.

Her fingertips instinctively reached out and brushed across the delicate and intricate markings covering the entirety of its wooden surface; tracing along one before skipping onto the next until she had circled the throne completely before coming to a stop in front of it.

She looked it over, before her gaze settled on the top and she squinted slightly, tilting her head while her brows drew together in thought as she read the name aloud. "Sasuke." Her fingers reached up and brushed across the large S at the beginning of the name... and her lips parted when she felt a tingle race straight from her fingertip to the tips of her toes; causing the hair on the back of her neck to stand up. She involuntarily shivered at the unexpected sensation.

Her instinct urged her to turn around and so she did before stumbling back with a loud and audible gasp... falling onto her butt as she crawled away from the imposing stature of a man just inches away from her; seeming to be alight with hot, glowing flames.

'The same glow from before, but how—'

Her eyes widened as she took him in and her heart began to uncontrollably pound in fear. Sakura wished to wake up from this grim nightmare, but it was as if she was trapped, frozen in place and rendered helpless in front of this— this thing.

Flames licked at his skin (rising in height) while narrowed eyes, crimson like freshly drawn blood, shimmered behind a cold and calculated demeanor. The woman shrunk back in terror, finally able to move and desperately to flee... but his deep voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Do not fear, beloved Sakura. I do not wish to harm you. At least... not yet."

She tried to swallow past the lump in her throat as he took a calculated step closer; the flames kissing his skin follow, as if drawn to this man by some sort of "mysterious force". It was as if this man was somehow the reincarnation of fire itself, controlling it at will... like some sort of supernatural power.

'Some nightmare this is—'

"W-who are you," she questioned, while she shrank away from his approach. He halted, finally seeming to become aware of her fear, and she watched as he crouched down in front of her slowly; his eyes blazing a slow trail across her flesh as he took the time to scan her.

Her breathing increased.

His head slightly tilted, black spiky locks sliding with it, and the warmth of his flames reached her; almost soothing the increasing panic rising inside of her. It was a rather bizarre and strange feeling, but somehow familiar and comforting all at the same time. It confused her.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now