The Blood of my Kin - 🔞

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To save lives, something must be sacrificed.

Time traveling Sasuke & Itachi try to go back & save their family before their enemy slaughters them all; including his new (arranged) bride.

An alternate universe sasusaku snippet. 18+ due to dark themes, violence, death, gore, language, and angst.



"What is she really to you, little Brother?"

His expression softened as he gazed upon her, subtle but noticeable to those who knew him best. The pair watched as she picked flowers from their mother's garden, creating a beautiful bouquet for the centerpiece at tonight's dinner; her skirt flowing softly in the gentle spring breeze while the Uchiha crest rested proudly between her shoulder blades.

A small (almost bashful in nature) smile lifted her lips when Mikoto joined her with pleasant greetings. Sasuke sighed; finally acknowledging his elder brother's question when he whispered, "She's everything."



All he could see was red.

Crimson flowing from open, gaping wounds, dripping from busted lips, and flowing freely into thick slowly congealing pools beneath the slumped bodies of his clan.

All he could see was fucking red.

How dare they make a mockery of his clan. How dare they think of themselves as superior. Sasuke wouldn't stand for this... he wouldn't, he couldn't. Inch by painstakingly slow inch he made his way through this carnage, attempting to reach his childhood home as quickly as possible.

Fearing the worst, but hoping for the best.

Hope, that's all he really had at the moment and he would cling to it with a fierce intensity that rivaled his inescapable and rising fury... a rage so intense it caused his own blood to boil and his nostrils to flare wildly.

When Sasuke finally reached his destination, Itachi was emerging from the front doorway; the likes of which had been broken, and was barely standing... a crumpled and broken mess of splintering wood and shards of discarded metal. His expression was grim. The youngest Uchiha's jaw clenched painfully tight, his fists balled at his sides as he made a move to go inside, but Itachi stopped him with a raised hand and a sidestep. "You... don't want to see it."

Sasuke swallowed slowly, his heart clenching. "I-I have to see." Itachi shook his head, but his gaze grew determined. "I have to see it, brother. Allow me to pass," he said again; his conviction more compelling the second time.

Reluctantly, Itachi conceded to his young sibling's request, but his expression grew sorrowful, haunting when Sasuke passed him. When he didn't emerge for what seemed like an eternity, the eldest Uchiha stepped back inside; unsure of what he would find. "Sasuke? Little Brother? Are you—"

Kneeling, with a limp corpse in his arms, was a devastated figure, and Itachi's heart shattered from the all two familiar muffled sobs coming from the shaken up man. He dared to step closer to them and watched with unhindered sadness as his brother softly stroked the once beautiful pink hair of his now deceased bride; her arm dangling beside them as he held her loosely on his lap; her body hadn't been there long enough to grow cold and stiff with rigamortis just yet.

Blood was everywhere.

He avoided shifting his gaze to the left, knowing he'd find his mother and father deceased in their shared bedroom; their bodies in the same condition, covered in blood. His fists grew tight at his sides as anger began to simmer and boil in his bloodstream. How dare their enemy strike when his family was most vulnerable. How dare they attack the innocent and ill. Itachi now knew what true monsters they were and at what lengths they'd go to win.

Too bad they didn't take into consideration exactly who they were messing with.

He'd make sure they wouldn't soon forget.

Sasuke gazed at Sakura's body with a mixture of emotions swirling inside of him... unsure at first as to what he should do or how he should feel...but after the complete and utter devastation of her death had passed momentarily, he soon settled on focusing on his anger. He placed a loving kiss to her temple and slowly lowered her to the floor; watching as her head shifted to the side, the bruising on her neck now exposed to his gaze. His teeth clenched painfully while he righted himself once more. He turned towards his brother (the only kin he had left) and a silent conversation ensued between them.

With his decision now made, he squared his shoulders in preparation for what was to come. "You know what I have to do, correct? I have to bring them back. All of them."


Sasuke sighed and closed his eyes. "Brother, I—"

"Sasuke, it's dangerous. I won't allow you to traverse the past alone and helpless. Do not ask me to do this... after all that's happened here. Please, see the reason behind my logic."


He hated to admit that his brother was right. He probably would need his help; afterall, traveling through time was a tricky, tricky thing and Sasuke still wasn't completely used to it yet. With a grunt, he turned and stepped past him. On his way out the door, Sasuke called over his shoulder, "Do as you wish."

Without a word, Itachi loyally followed.

My Snippets: Part 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin