Wandering Mind 🔞

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A long wait makes the mind wander...

A blank-period, sasusaku short snippet. (Thanks Ino for putting the thought in her head lol. Unedited!)


Uchiha Sasuke sat across from her with his knees bent at an angle and legs spread wide apart to accommodate her slight frame; which was tucked comfortably between them.

She was nibbling on her nails, while his lone arm rested on one propped-up knee, his head thrown backwards against the brick wall with his mismatched eyes tightly closed. Her back began to ache where it was pressed against the cool surface of the Hokage tower, but Sakura refused to budge even an inch. Unwilling was she to deny the Uchiha some much needed rest by disturbing his peace and quiet with any awkward or sudden movements.

But being with him like this was... well—

Her gaze shifted down, eyes following the deep creases in his jet-black pants until they settled on the tightly wrapped strap of his matching sandals. With his bare skin...and soft hairs poking out all the way down to his toes... she felt her cheeks flush as a new thought crossed her mind; her eyes briefly shifting to the clothed protrusion between his thighs. She noted that even flaccid... Sasuke was still remarkably impressive "down there".

Then, a flashback to last night...spent drunk at Ino's place, (where they talked about ALL things boy-related) sprang to the forefront of her mind. Her mouth hung open at the vivid imagery as it replayed like a movie inside her head...along with the sounds of Ino's voice as she recalled the events in graphic detail.

"You know what they say, don't you, forehead..," Ino stated matter-of-factly after she came down from a fit of hysterical giggles, bringing her beer glass up to her lips before taking a small sip. She then wiggled her eyebrows as she leaned in closer. "About the size of a man's foot?"

Sakura rolled her viridescent eyes and downed the rest of her own beer, her cheeks flushed with intoxication and she snorted indignantly, before poking a long finger at her best friend's nose. "What the hell are you going on about, pig?" Ino brushed the offending appendage away as if she were swatting at a fly before a smirk began to form on her lips.

"If he has a big foot... then that must mean he has a big—"

A hard knock at the Yamanaka's front door saved the poor girl from further embarrassment and Sakura gingerly stood up on shaky and unsteady legs before carefully stumbling her way over to answer it. She leaned against the wall and her head was spinning as she pulled the door open. When her eyes were able to finally focus (somewhat), she smiled brightly at the newcomer who stood rigidly at the threshold with an unwavering gaze. "Sasuke-kun!!! I didn't know that you were coming tonight." She rolled herself off of the wall and tried to stand properly, nearly toppled over the hallway table as the rounded curve of her hip bumped into it. A few of its contents however slid off before landing on the floor with a loud thumb, but Sakura managed to somehow save some of it at least and quickly bent to retrieve the rest just as her best friend appeared in the hallway directly behind her; equally as unsteady on her feet as the pinkette was.

"Sasuke-kun," the blonde shrieked as a large grin lifted her lips. "What a nice surprise! Weee were actually just talking about you! Weren't we, forehead."

Genuinely confused by this, Sakura raised a single brow at the blonde and cocked her head to one side. "We were?"

"Duuhh. Have you forgotten about the 'foot thing' already?" A deep, red blush began to worm its way onto her cheeks as recognition slowly began to sink in... and she stumbled over her next words while waving her hands in front of her with an anxious giggle and forced smile.

"S-she's drunk, Sasuke-kun. D-don't listen to her."

He made a sound in the back of his throat before reaching for her arm when she stumbled back slightly. "I should take you home." Sakura simply nodded and allowed him to pull her along beside him after he had proceeded into the living room to gather her belongings. When they made their way down the street, the Yamanaka swiftly poked her head out of the doorway and called out to them, "HEY! Don't forget, forehead... SIZE MATTERS!!!"

Sakura shook her head to ground herself once more and began to nibble on her bottom lip as she tried to keep her blush at bay. After thoroughly apologizing that morning for her actions (with Sasuke insisting it was fine), the pair had been called upon by their beloved Hokage for a debriefing on their next mission. Sadly, Kakashi had given them the wrong time, so they were forced to stand outside his office, waiting for his meeting to end and be called in.

Having quickly grown tired of standing, they had agreed to sit; though Sakura was at first surprised by the position the dark-haired had chosen for them but without complaint she had complied, and settled in quite comfortably across from him for the time being.

Now however, with both her eyes wandering and her mind racing, her focus was drawn to the Uchiha's feet...pressed securely against the bare flesh of both of her thighs. It was a stupid notion to even think that what Ino had said during their "night of fun" was true... but the thought still occurred to her nonetheless, and Sakura couldn't really stop herself from being curious. Her delicate brows furrowed slightly in contemplation.

'Was it really true what they said... about a man's feet and the size of their—'

The Hokage's door finally opened, allowing for Kakashi to step out into the empty hallway; his mouth crinkling into a genuinely soft smile behind his tightly wrapped mask when his eyes finally settled on them... with what she could only assume was mirth; at her expense. When her gaze shifted back to the figure in front of her however...Sakura realized that Sasuke was looking at her as well.

Humiliation flushed her cheeks a deep, dark crimson when the pink-haired quickly remembered the direction in which her thoughts had carried her only moments ago... and she instantly jumped to her feet before moving past her former Sensei. When she saw his mask shift as if he was about to say something that would further embarrass her, she gave him a harsh glare; (oh, if looks could kill) feeling her former teammate following closely behind her. With fists clenched at her sides, under her breath she managed to hiss, "Not a word, Sensei."

Kakashi simply chuckled and lifted his hands in surrender before smoothly slipping through the threshold of his office then closed the door behind them.


Random thought(s) -

For this particular part: "Her back began to ache where it was pressed against the cool surface of the Hokage tower, but Sakura refused to budge even an inch. Unwilling was she to deny the Uchiha some much needed rest by disturbing his peace and quiet with any awkward movements." I imagine that he didn't get much rest due to helping hold her hair or something while she dealt with the repercussions from drinking too much, and also watching over her that night to make sure that she was truly well.

I also feel like Kakashi just KNEW something, and would have attempted to tease her with an embarrassing jab of some sort if it hadn't been for her angry glare.

*This was really just a random idea that I hope you like!*

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