Unwanted Bridesmaid

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Jealous of her relationship with Sasuke, Ino will stop at nothing to break the pair up. Even if it means doing the unthinkable; accusing him of cheating.

A modern sasusaku AU snippet. SHORT. Fiancés. Angst. Unexpected suspect. Betrayal from a friend. Ino becomes the 'Unwanted Bridesmaid'.


"Sakura, please...," he pleaded as he followed her around their shared bedroom; all the while she continually ignored his pleas and angrily tossed his stuff into one of their small overnight bags. "Stop this!!! I swear, that wasn't me in that photograph!!! I love you! I would never cheat on you!!! You have to believe me!"

She turned on him then, fury dancing behind glassy eyes. He hated seeing her like this. Her hands fisted around one of his black, pleated dress shirts just as her tears began to fall in earnest and soak the otherwise pristine fabric. Heart breaking and barely able to catch his own breath, Sasuke wanted nothing more than to go to her and wrap her in his arms... but knew that she wouldn't allow him that privilege at a time like this. He waited with anxiety growing in the pit of his stomach. "I-I don't know who or what to believe right now, Sasuke!! That photo looks a hell of a lot like you; with some woman sitting on your lap and her tongue down your fucking throat! I mean you wouldn't answer or return any of my calls— So how in the hell do I know that I can trust you when you say that nothing happened last night?"

Sasuke swallowed slowly and took a tentative step closer to her with his hands still raised. "I've never lied to you, my love. I would never lie to you. Last night... Naruto took me out for dinner at our favorite restaurant...and then we went to have a couple of beers with some of the guys from work before heading back to his place. I fell asleep on the couch during a movie and woke up this morning around sevenish and came straight home to you. I swear, nothing happened between me and that woman... or anybody else for that matter. I don't even remember seeing any women near our table at the bar. What fucking reason would I have, Sakura to cheat on you? You're amazing...and beautiful and smart and...and every time I look at you it feels like the first. I fall in love all over again."

He could see the anger dissipating slightly, but the hurt still remained. Sakura looked away... emerald eyes closing as her grip loosened on the shirt before she tossed it onto the bed next to the bag. "Just— can you please stay with your brother or cousin for a few days. Give— g-give me s-some time to t-think about all of this. I-I want to believe you... but with this kind of evidence, it's really hard."


"Please, Sasuke! Just— GO!!!" She fled the room, running away from him, before slamming the door to their attached bathroom behind her. Sasuke heard the distinct sounds of the lock mechanism clicking into place a second later. He could hear Sakura sobbing from the other side of it and the melancholy sound robbed him of air for a minute before he let out a low, despondent and dejected sigh.

He finished packing his bag and after writing a note for her and placing it on the nightstand, he left.


Ino was responding to important emails at work when her phone began to ring and she glanced at the screen before immediately picking it up. She could distinctly hear Sakura crying on the other end of it, and turned in her swivel chair to face the large, picture window behind her. "Hey, Sakura. Everything alright?"

"N-no, I d-don't think so. C-can you c-come on-over, Ino? I r-really need someone to talk to right now— I just, I'm lost. I d-don't know w-what to do."

"Don't worry," she said, her voice fueled with determination as she stood to gather her belongings. "I'll be over in about twenty minutes. I'll grab us some lunch!"

"T-thanks, Ino. You're t-the best."

"Love you, forehead. I'll see you soon."

"L-love you too. B-bye."

The sound of the click indicated that Sakura had hung up, disconnecting them. Ino forgot to shut down her computer and simply put it to sleep instead before closing her office door behind her. As she left the office that day, there was a pep in her step that wasn't there before, and a sadistically satisfied smirk was firmly planted on her lips.

Phase three of her plan (plan g to be exact) had worked.

Now, onto phase four.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now