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Sakura to the rescue!

Mafia/criminal-style sasusaku AU. Short snippet. 18+ due to language and some gore.


Metal bit into his skin, digging deeper where his arms were restrained behind his back; sweat and blood pouring down his face in soft rivulets. He cursed himself for being caught off guard by the enemy... he cursed his own men for being unprepared and unaware...and he even cursed his bitch of an ex-fiancé for switching sides on him, and ratting him out to his biggest nemesis.

The barrel of the gun jabbed into the back of his skull, and he grits his teeth together to silence the curse on the tip of his tongue. His naked chest heaved rapidly with each and every ragged breath that he took in... his flesh marred and scarred with a varying degree of both partially healing and freshly received wounds; some bone deep and others just lightly coating the top layer of his alabaster skin.

He refused to glance away from the man approaching him; his gaze full of fury as his feet came to a stop inches away from Sasuke's kneeling form; hands placed leisurely in the front pocket of his dark suit's pants.

"Any final words, Uchiha?"

Sasuke spat on him, the wad of saliva and blood dripping down from its intended target before silently plopping onto the cement ground. The other man seemed unimpressed. "Go to hell, mother fucker," Sasuke spat through clenched teeth. A silent exchange was passed between his foe and the man behind him, but when Sasuke heard the gun click as they prepared to kill him... his only regret was not being able to be the one to stop them.


A loud shot rang out around them, the empty warehouse walls echoing the sharp rhythm for a few seconds, before he heard a loud thud behind him. The man in front of him looked startled and he took an instinctive step back. When the sweet scent of cherries surrounded him a second after, Sasuke's lips lifted up into a prideful smirk. "I'm sorry that I'm so late, my love. I had to deal with something first." Her tone was velvety and silky smooth, and it soothed all of his frustrations almost instantaneously. "Do you mind or would you like the honors?"

His penetrating gaze remained forward as he nodded his head once, a swift affirmation for her to do as she wished, and he felt the presence at his back when her legs rested against it. He could see the shadow of her arms raising up, a small handgun between her hands. "Say hello to Ami for me... will ya." With only a second of reprieve, another loud shot rang out and soon another body fell... completely and utterly lifeless... to the floor; a small oozing wound was left in the direct center of his forehead. His woman had perfect aim, thanks to his training. He couldn't be prouder of her.

With the weapon still in her right hand, she placed her left on his shoulder and circled him slowly, kneeling in front of him with an equally sadistic smirk on her ruby-red stained lips. She tilted her head slightly as she swiped the bangs gently out of his eyes. "You okay?"


"I really am sorry I was late, Sasuke-kun..," she whispered, leaning in while she cupped his cheek to join their lips. Her passion was met with the same vorosity as his own and he allowed her to take control of the kiss... pulling away when she was ready; though they both remained joined when he leaned his forehead against hers; breathing her in with his eyes closed in brief serenity.

What he didn't expect however, was the shot that rang out just seconds later. The pinkette hissed in pain, in the same instant his dark eyes flew wide open, and she quickly spun on her knees...handgun raised and pointed in the direction the bullet had come from. She fired off three bullets before a loud thump, of someone falling, reached them. "We can't stay here. It isn't safe. We need to regroup with the others and form a new strategy," he said matter-of-factly and she turned towards him again. Smirking, she lifted up the keys to the handcuffs binding him on the tip of her middle finger.

"Let's get out of here then."

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now