Fury in Pink

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Sasuke has dealt with many things in his young life, but the thing he was most unprepared for, and that took him most by surprise, was a dainty, pink-haired ball of fury.

A blank period Sasusaku short snippet. Heavily pregnant, Sakura vs a very confused and slightly 'fearing for his own life', Sasuke. Got the idea from a Twitter post! Here is the link:



"This one is full as well. Maybe we could travel to the next town over, and see if they ha—"


It wasn't the suddenness of his wife entering his personal space that was the cause of his sudden apprehension...it was the way in which she chose to do it that materialized the soft flush upon his cheeks. Sasuke was rarely if ever embarrassed, but this...this was— a unique circumstance.

His eyes blinked; once, then twice, before he looked down the bridge of his nose to the foot just inches away from his pelvis. They then moved up the length of her leg, his head turning slightly until his obsidian orbs slithered their way up to her torso, past her bosom (he averted from them quickly to avoid angering her further), then up the delicate column of her throat before finally looking her in the eyes.

He completely bypassed the deep cracks and fallen debris surrounding where her foot had landed a direct hit into the building's exterior. If he brought up her destructive strength at a time like this— Sasuke hated to even consider any of the possible repercussions of an act as stupid as that. He swallowed as he tried to calm his chakra. "Sakura. Listen, I—"

"NO, Anata! You listen. I've been on my feet ALL day long, and my legs are swollen to the size of tree trunks. TREE TRUNKS! I am in need of some rest and a nice long soak in a bath. You will march right back in there and tell those neanderthals that if they don't find an available room for us in the next five minutes... there won't be an establishment left standing within the hour. SHANNARO!!!"

The fury in her eyes told of her promise to see through this threat and he let out a deep sigh of resignation, closing his eyes before turning his head from her penetrating glare. At this point, a lot of the surrounding civilians were starting to look at them with a mixture of awe and curiosity, and even the tips of his ears had grown pink. Sasuke hated to be the center of attention, and swiftly turned on his heel to go and have a nice chat with the manager again.

If that didn't work, at this point, the Uchiha patriarch wasn't against using his visual prowess to persuade the woman to see reason. After all, a little, harmless genjutsu wouldn't hurt if it saved him from a world of pain in the near future.

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