🔞 Deadly 🔞

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There is only one word to describe Haruno Sakura; deadly.

A Sakura Haruno AU snippet. Not really SS, but I felt in the mood for violence. Sorry! 18+ only due to some gore and violence. You have been warned.


His neck snapped beneath her hand; bones crunching as his head cocked at an unnatural angle. Plump lips twisted into a dark smirk, before she let his body fall to the ground at her feet, lifeless; turning to her left to face the onslaught of new assailants headed her way.

She welcomed them with open arms.

'Three down... five to go.'

The first was easy, with one swift slam of her fist against his nose, it cracked; sending the cartilage upward, blood pouring over her hand as she followed it up with another punch to the side of his jaw. He fell limp seconds later.

The second, somehow avoided her fist, but failed to notice the way her leg reared back at the same time, only to slam into the apex of his thighs directly after; causing warmth to pool in the corner of his eyes as he doubled over in agony. Distracted, her assailant failed to notice the follow-up kicks that sent him flying backwards... his body slamming into a column a few meters away. He didn't get up.

Now, the final three were weary... and kept a respectable distance as they contemplated their next move. She gave them no chances to counter though as she reared forward to attack them.

A high kick to the face, followed by the swiping of legs. A sickening crack as his head slammed against the concrete below.

A sharp jab to the neck, followed by a punch to the temple.

Then, there was just one left.

The leader.

Sakura gave him time to reconsider his actions, take in the full scope of her attack and strength, but she had no desire to allow him a reprieve; no desire to allow him to escape.

She was having too much fun.

She waited until his brown eyes met hers and smirked, the look twisted and downright deadly...with her body covered in blood; the blood of her enemies.

This seemed to only serve to enrage him, his eyes flashing dangerously, but Sakura wasn't afraid of him... she wasn't afraid of anyone. They were all weak. They had no chance of beating her. None. And deep down, they had to know it. But still continued to fight. She had to admit they had guts, but it didn't really matter much in terms of their fighting capabilities. They were all subpar at best.

"I'LL KILL YOU, BITCH," he roared, fury causing his entire body to shake violently, while his fists were held firmly next to his sides. The woman made a tsk sound in the back of her throat and rolled her eyes at his ignorance. 'As if.'

"You can try," she purred, lowering her stance to prepare herself for the fight ahead. "But... I can guarantee that you won't succeed."

No more words were exchanged after, only harsh blows, and when all was said and done, Sakura watched as her attacker took his final breath with sick pleasure; his brown eyes widening, his mouth gaping wide on a silent scream, and large hands clamped around her wrists as he tried to pry them away from his throat; a desperately vain attempt to save his own skin.

Soon enough he collapsed, dead, and she finally released him... rising from his hips to stand over him; a sadistic grin widening her lips, and her heart slowly began to settle to a more natural pace after the high of the fight began to wane.

She took pride in what she had done; feeling no remorse for her actions. Because she was Haruno Sakura.

She was an assassin.

A killer.

Silent and deadly right to the very end.

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now