A Cyborg Named Sasuke: Part 3

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Scientist Sakura Haruno has finally done it. She is the first human in history to build a real-life cyborg completely from scratch! She decides to name him Sasuke.

Sasusaku AU snippet.

Part 1:


Part 2:



A few weeks later...

"N-no... NO... don't, please. NOOO!!!"

Sakura Haruno was shaken awake, a cold sweat covering her body as she sat up swiftly in bed. The time of morning was 6:45am and a minuscule sliver of light penetrated her window through a small slit in her curtains. She blinked the haze of sleep from her eyes before meeting the dark gaze of her companion. She ran a hand over her forehead and down her messy braid before sighing. "I'm so sorry I woke you," she whispered as he took a step back.

"It's alright, Sakura. There is no need to apologize to me. I was finished charging on my dock. Actually, I was about to get the coffee started for you when I heard you screaming. I've been trying to wake you for a few minutes now. Can I get you anything?"

"No, no," she dismissed with a wave of her hand. "Only the coffee would be nice, black. I'm not really that hungry yet." He nodded and after a few more seconds of just observing her, he walked away. The pinkette let out another loud sigh before flopping back onto her mattress, her arm coming up to shield her bloodshot eyes from the increasing morning brightness. Sakura didn't sleep a wink last night and when she did finally manage to succumb to slumber, nightmares consumed her distraught mind. 'That lady seemed off,' she thought. 'If she truly is a scientist, then is her interest in my cyborg really strictly due to "scientific reasons" or does she have OTHER things in mind? Either way, I can't let her get her hands on Sasuke. I must protect him, no matter what.'

"Sakura, your coffee is ready," his voice sounded from her kitchen and she could hear the tell-tale sounds of pots and pans clinking together as the cyborg shuffled around in the opposite room. She smiled to herself as she rose from the bed, knowing full well that Sasuke wouldn't have listened to her about not being hungry yet.

"I'll be there in a minute," she called as she reached for a small, silky robe and made her way down the hall to greet him properly... the scent of breakfast food permeating the air around her as she went.


Later in her office...

"Sasuke, stay here and charge. I need to go to lunch with Tsunade and where we are going, you can't follow. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright," he insisted while rising from his position next to her desk. "I understand." He sidled over to his wall dock before pressing a few buttons on the holographic screens and once the button began to flash an iridescent red-color, the cyborg stepped into the pod and turned to her. "I'll see you soon?"

"Yes, I won't be gone for too long."

He nodded then and closed his eyes before the doors slid shut. Sakura gathered several of her belongings and took them over to a safe. She then made sure that Sasuke was fully situated (and truly charging) before locking her office door and heading down the hall. A sinking feeling began to make way to her gut, but she ignored it the best she could and continued on with her afternoon... as normally as she could.

My Snippets: Part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora