The Bloody Mist Clan

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He was walking down the street when he smelt it, blood... her blood.

A sasusaku supernatural snippet. Vampire Sasuke, Hunter Sakura.


His imposing stature stood higher than those around him, his figure shrouded in a thick, inky-black cloak as he made his way down the semi-deserted, sleepy cobbled streets of Kirigakure. An icy-cold rain pelted steadily against his back and the top of his head, drops dripping from his onyx locks onto his broad shoulders, but the young prodigy ignored it entirely for his focus was elsewhere.

"Oi, Uchiha...," a man called to him from the shadows and he paused in his stride briefly, turning his powerful gaze to the lanky figure who stretched his hand out towards him as if in greeting, but he wasn't to be taken as a fool. He could clearly see the small object wrapped in a thin plastic bag in the man's outstretched and skeletal fingers. The staleness of his breath and the way that he was (even now) swaying on his feet, was an indication of his intoxicated state. "I've got a little something for ya man if you're willing to pay," he whispered with a toothy grin. The brownish-yellow color of his teeth was downright foul in the Uchiha's eyes and if he was any lesser of a man, he would have shied away from it; revulsion churning the liquid in his stomach.

Sasuke's lips twisted into a scowl. "I'm not interested, you deprived creature. Get lost."

The inebriated man opened his mouth as if to protest, but the flash of danger in the other man's eyes caused him to shrink backwards swiftly (from which he came) and after a final glare, Sasuke continued on. He was running late as it was to a meeting with his family, after stopping for a quick bite, and if he didn't show up within the hour, he knew that they would probably send someone out to fetch him.

Sasuke could only surmise as to the repercussions of such disobedience; the punishment would most likely be severe and he was already treading on thin ice due to his prior... rather numerous... discretions against his elders. He was expected to become the ruler of their family's clan one day in his father's stead... given that his brother was otherwise incapable of doing so at the present time... but thus far the youngest prodigy's rebellious ways had only caused more strife within the clan's eldest members. He smirked at the thought. Serves the old bags right for trying to tell him how to live his own life. The modern age was vastly different to what it once was years ago when they were young, he just wished that they could see this and act accordingly.

His thoughts were interrupted when he inhaled deeply and his eyes immediately shifted to a deep burgundy, while his fangs elongated to twice their normal growth. His right foot hovered just above the stones at his feet... his body frozen in time for longer than what would be deemed necessary, before he slowly lowered it to the ground. His eyes closed and his head tilted back, aristocratic nose pointed skyward while his hands hung by his sides. Rain pelted his cheeks and jaw, dusting and clinging to his eyelids and lashes, but he didn't even notice. He took in another deep breath and his eyes finally snapped open on the last exhale.


The sweet, decadent, and delicate floral scent of it slipped its way through his bloodstream, stirring his desires to feed and something else that he was quite unfamiliar with, even with three plus centuries of life under his belt. Sasuke took a few extra moments to gather himself, before making the decision to abandon his plans and follow the scent, briefly mindful that he was 'once again' disobeying the orders of his family.

He had walked about two blocks before the scent became so intense that Sasuke was forced to hold his breath, only taking in small amounts of air in order to continue with his frantic searching. It wasn't until his sharp senses picked up on the very faint sounds of a panting human, that he knew he was close. A low thud followed and then... silence.

My Snippets: Part 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu