Chapter 62 - The Cowtown

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Marissa's eyes widen as Shane, Stephanie, Shawn and Hunter pushed the door wider and rushed into the house, each scattering into different directions. 

"What's going on?" Marissa asked, watching as they all continued to ignore her and went to their respective rooms in a hurried manner. She shared a confused look with Kenyon who was wondering the same. Marissa walked into her bedroom, surprised to see her husband packing his stuff. 

"Babe, what's going on? Why are you packing? Why is everyone in a rush?" Marissa asked, approaching Shane who was zipping up his backpack. He only took 2 pairs of clothes and a few of his toiletries, not bothering to pack anything else that he takes on a business trip. Clearly, he wasn't going on a business trip. 

"Can't talk now, babe. We found where Ayla is" Shane said, hurrying out of the room, grabbing his phone on the way. 

Marissa's jaw dropped upon hearing what Shane said. She didn't waste any time and followed her husband out of the room, jogging to keep up to his pace. 

"Where is she?" Marissa asked.

"In Calgary" Shane said.

"Calgary? What is she doing in Calgary?" Marissa asked, a frown formed. Shane stopped abruptly once he was in the living room, turning to answer Marissa when a voice caught his attention. 

"Who's in Calgary?" Declan asked, walking down the stairs. Marissa and Shane stood there, watching as their eldest walks down the stairs. His eyes were swollen and had dark circles around them, his cheekbones were a lot more obvious. Declan went back to be his old self, back when he was depressed. He barely ate anything either, would lock himself in his room and would not talk to anyone at all. The worse part of it, he was being extremely rude and snappy towards Hunter. He would cut his eyes and would blame Hunter for Ayla's actions. He would never be in the same room as Hunter. Obviously, he took it a lot harder than anyone else, besides Hunter himself. 

"We found out that Ayla is in Calgary, son. We're going there right now" Shane said with a sigh. 

The look on his face told a whole story on how overjoyed he was. There were no words to describe how emotional he was at the moment. He thanked God to know that his little sister was found. A rush of relief flooded through his heart knowing that she was found. 

"I'm coming with you" Declan said. 

"No, Dec. You need to stay here and take care of mom and Kenny and Rogan. I'm leaving you in charge, son. You need to be here" Shane said, patting his shoulders. He knew how hard it has been for Declan when Ayla ran away. He knew how attached Declan is to Ayla. 


"I trust you, son" Shane said, using the ultimate word that he knows would work every time on his sons. Trust means a whole lot to his sons and he knew that they would never want to break his trust. 

Declan gulped and nodded, gluing his eyes to the floor. Yep, definitely worked. 

"We got all our stuff" Stephanie said, hurrying with Hunter carrying their bags. 

"Where's Shawn?" Shane asked.

"I'm here" Shawn said, jogging to the living room with his bags. 

"Come on, let's go" Shane said, turning to leave when someone yelled for him, stopping him in his tracks. 

"What's wrong, Kenny?" Marissa asked as she watched her son jog down the stairs, a backpack in his hand. 

"I'm coming with you" Kenyon said, looking determined as ever. 

"You can't, son. You have to-"

"No, dad. You don't understand. I have to be there. I need to be there" Kenyon said, causing everyone to look at each other in confusion. 

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