Chapter 15 - The Children

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Ayla walked towards the cabins set up in the huge ballroom when a girl in her teens came towards her.

"Hello, Miss Ayla" The girl said. 

"Oh, hello. I'm Ayla. Just Ayla" Ayla smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Ayla. I'm Tia and I'll be your assistant today" Tia said.

"Nice to meet you, Tia. So are the kids in there already?" Ayla asked.

"Uh, kids? There's just one kid waiting for you for the first hour" Tia said, looking a little guilty. "You have three hours to meet three children and so each children would get an hour to meet you"

"But it's a three hour event for the first slot? It isn't fair that other children with other superstars get 3 hours to meet their heroes but the ones with me only get an hour each" Ayla said. 

"I know, I kinda felt that too. But it's the management's orders and I'm just telling what I'm told" Tia said, looking guiltier than ever.

Ayla sighed. "Tia, could you do me a favor?"

"Anything" Tia said.

"Could you get the other 2 children that were supposed to meet me as well? I'd like to meet them all at once" Ayla said.

"But the-"

"I'll talk to Stephanie McMahon if that's what you're worried about" Ayla said with a smile to which Tia nodded with a smile and left the ballroom.

Ayla went in the cabin which she was assigned to find a girl in a beautiful gown that was covered on the top with her make a wish t shirt. The girl was facing the other side so she didn't see Ayla coming in but the woman who kneeled beside the girl saw Ayla coming and gave her a smile.

Ayla motioned for the lady to be quiet as she tip toed to the girl.

"Mommy, will Ayla want to be my friend?" The little girl said

"Why wouldn't I now, Julia?" Ayla said from behind, startling the kid a little as she turned around in high speed, her gown swooshing away as she twirled. Her eyes shimmered as she eyed Ayla with full admiration. 

Ayla on the other hand was thunderstruck at the little girl's appearance. She had a white reflection on the pupil of her left eye which was equally a little swollen on the sides.

"Mom! It's Ayla! It's Ayla! Oh my god" Julia said with full of enthusiasm. 

"It is, love" Her mother said.

"Oh my god" Julia flapped her hands and hugged Ayla by her knees tightly.

"Oh god" Ayla chuckled as she held Julia by her shoulders and pulling her a little as she kneeled in front of her and brought her into a hug. "Hug! I love hugs" Ayla teased.

"You're here! You're really here!" Julia jumped with enthusiasm.

"I'm here, kiddo. And I'm here to see you just like you wished for" Ayla said, breaking the hug as she stood up and picked Julia up, leading her towards the couch.

"Now tell me why wouldn't I be your friend?" Ayla asked.

"Because of my eye? I have no friends at school too because they all make fun of my eye" Julia said, pointing at her eye.

"Aww Julia, don't worry, I'll be your friend. I think you're beautiful just the way you are" Ayla said. Apart from her eye, Julia had amazing features.

"You're not scared of my eye?" Julia asked.


"Why not?" 

"Because one, I'm Ayla and I'm not afraid of anything" Ayla said, flexing her muscles to which Julia followed suit.

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