Chapter 41 - There Goes The Money

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Shane took a seat on the bed beside Ayla and stared at her as though she was a dead piece of meat.

"Shane" Shane introduced himself and extended his arm.

"Ayla" Ayla shook his hand.

"I've heard things about you" Shane said, his face were serious, meaning definitely whatever he heard isn't good.

"I hope they aren't bad" Ayla said.

"I hoped for it too" Shane said, enough for Ayla to know it wasn't good.

"If you wanna know are they true, all you have to do is ask me, Uncle Shane. I'll be happy to answer all of them" Ayla said.

"Unfortunate for you, sweetheart. That's not my style. I like to make my own observations rather than listening to words." Shane said. His tone was calm, which more or less made Ayla comfortable to talk to him.

"You're welcome to do so, Uncle Shane. I've got no objections" Ayla said. She has nothing to hide.

"I didn't ask for your permission either, kid. Look, I've heard a lot from people who are close to me about you and I've received a lot of warnings about you too. I would've believed them a 100% but I just can't help but feel curious looking at how happy you've made my sister and my brother in law. I feel like there is something more to you" Shane said.

Ayla gave a small smile.

"But don't get your hopes too high. Look, I'm gonna be really straight forward with you, alright? I have zero trust on you" Shane said without whatsoever guilt on his face.

Ayla nodded, her smile faded a little. At least he was being honest.

"It's gonna take a while for me to gain my trust on you. I'm not gonna mistreat you or anything. You are welcome to stay here and run around the house, have fun with the family. Just know that I'll always keep my eyes on you" Shane said.

Ayla nodded. "Yes Uncle Shane"

"You've made great progress with my sons and my wife seems to be really fond of you. It's not always that my family gets close to people whom they've just met. Especially Kenyon. It may or may not have impressed me a little but I don't want to jump into any conclusions that quickly" Shane said.

"I love the boys. They've been really sweet" Ayla smiled.

"I'm sure they are. As I said, you can hang out with the family all you want but know that you can't expect me to treat you as equal as my sons and the other family members yet. I won't abuse you or yell at you or anything, but I won't be showing much love either. For me to do so, you're gonna have to prove the people who said things about you are wrong. You're gonna have to earn your spot. Do I make myself clear?" Shane asked. Ayla has never seen someone more diplomatic and calmer than Shane is. He is really handling this professionally.

"I got you, Uncle Shane. I sure will work on your trust and prove them wrong. All I gotta do for that is just be the real me and you're welcome to judge me all you want" Ayla said with a smile.

Shane nodded, surprised by how calm she remains. "Interesting. I'm looking forward to see how the 'real you' is. If you'll excuse me, I need to take a shower and get ready for dinner."

Shane got up from the bed and adjusted his attire. He nodded at Ayla who nodded back and made his way to the door.

"Uncle Shane" Ayla called out, halting him in his tracks. "Do you mind telling mom that her medicines are in the pink pouch in the front compartment of her backpack? I'm scared she would be finding for it"

Shane stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Of course"

"Thank you" Ayla smiled.

Shane nodded and made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him.

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