Chapter 34 - The Hall Of Fame

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Ayla decided to wear the black and grey gown for the Hall of Fame ceremony today. Stephanie was wearing a black dress too, so Ayla thought they would match like they always do. Even Hunter and the rest of the DX crew were wearing black suits. So was Kev and Scott.

Ayla didn't want to really stand out of them and decided to keep it low-key, so she wore the black one instead.

Taker eventually got a tiara for her even though she said she didn't want but he insisted her. Just like old times, he styled her hair. He didn't do much, just a few tiny braids on her side and the rest were curled a little, leaving them down to cover her exposed shoulders.

It was a simple hairstyle but it went perfectly for her and it still looked amazing with the tiara and matching tiny white flower clips here and there.

She didn't know why but she's always wanted to do that hairstyle but she can never get it right. Taker's hands were really magical.

Stephanie simply went with large curls on her hair. She went on to be simple and elegant today.

Ayla wore the necklace that Hunter gave her when she first moved in with them and the ring that Lynn gave her.

"Darn, I'm gonna have a hard time protecting you from the boys checking you out there" Kev teased, the men breaking into a harmonic laughter.

"We all are" Scott nodded.

"You probably wouldn't have much problem as I'm gonna have trying to protect you" Ayla didn't want to back off, teasing him back.

"Aww, you make big Kev feel young again" Kev said, earning eye rolls from a few. Everyone of her friends gathered at their rental apartment to get dressed. Billy, Jesse, Kid, Kev, Scott, Kane, Taker, Shawn, Hunter and Stephanie were all in the same place at this moment, so technically the place wasn't the most quiet place at all. They all brought their wives and kids along, so the place was just too crowded than it was supposed to.

There were people all over the house, walking here and there, fixing their ties and suits and drinking some juice and chilling out and so on.

Hunter came out of his room, all dressed up in his suit. He was greeted by a few of the boys. Ayla and Hunter's eyes met, locked on each other for a moment. He would usually come to her and tell how good she looked but this time, he didn't even smile at her who was just hoping he'd come and say at least hi. Ayla turned around, making her way to talk to absolutely anybody that would.

Kid was the last one to get ready, so when he was done, they all paraded downstairs to the lobby and waited for their limousines and in that period, all eyes were on them. It's not always you see larger than life men wearing suits assembled at one place.

There were four limousines that stopped in front of the lobby. Ayla got in the one with Kev, Kid and Kane. Shawn, Hunter and Stephanie were in one and Taker, Scott, Jesse and Billy were in one. The ladies and kids took the other limousine which was a lot bigger than the other three. Ayla swear Taker must be regretting riding with those boys since they are all crazy ass crackheads and would be cracking the lamest jokes on earth. Ayla finds them cool anyways.

A guy opened their door once they arrived and the crowd begin swarming them with cheers and flashes. They were held back with guard rails but Ayla still felt like a few of them might just jump over the barricade.

Ayla tugged onto Kane's arm as he led her into the arena. They stopped by at the red carpet for some photos and a short interview with Renee Young.

It's been quite some time since Ayla's seen Renee. She hardly spends time with her although she is Dean's wife.

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