Chapter 37 - The Main Event

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Ayla could barely hear a word from the backstage crew from how loud the crowd is in the main arena. There was over 92 thousand fans in the arena currently, chanting and scream as the event begins. Ayla sat in her locker room, the make up artists working on dressing her up. 

For the first time in her career, Ayla has allowed make up on herself. She never wears any make up except for the eyeliners around her eyes before this. Her face was naturally flawless so she doesn't need any make up. This time, she needs make up not only on her face but also on her arms and neck to cover her bruises. Most of the bruises had faded but there were still bruises that were more or less obvious. 

Ayla was wearing her new leathered black tank top and tights that Stephanie got it customized for her. Ayla also got a new pair of dark purple boots to match with her gloves later. Her hat was decorated with a purple band around it. Her trench coat had purple lining at the edges. She wore elbow pads on her left arm, partially to cover her bruises and partially because she has a lot of elbow usages today. Her outfit today was a tribute to Taker.

Ayla was a little mad that Taker isn't having his WrestleMania match today. It has been for almost 2 decades since the fans have witnessed Taker at WrestleMania every year and this year is a total disappointment for everyone. This year's WrestleMania is gonna be the one of the longest events ever, so they needed to cut out Taker's match. That was one of the reason, actually. Another reason is Taker's health. Taker hasn't really been in a good shape lately. It wasn't that he was sick or anything, it's just probably his age factor. Taker is in his 50s and being constantly on the road is more or less affecting his health. 

After the make up artists were done, Ayla sat on the couch in her locker room, watching the rest of the show. She kept telling herself what Roman and everyone else had told her earlier on how she needs to keep focus at this moment. The show was taking a longer time than it usually is. A technician knocked on her door and told that she was up in another 30 minutes. Ayla made her way to the gorilla, taking a seat near the large screen. 

It was Hunter's match right now. Hunter was having a match against Batista this year. Of course, Hunter is winning the match this year. It was a no hold barred match, so technically any usage of weapons is all legal. 

She closed her eyes and ears when Hunter took a tweezers and forcefully pulled out Batista's nose ring. As much as she might be a wrestler herself, she just can't stand that sight, knowing how painful that is. It was a really physical match which kinda worried Ayla. Correction, not kinda, it really worried Ayla. She was worried of how Hunter is. From the bumps he's taking, she knew he's gonna have a sleepless night tonight. She might be mad at him or so, but she is always concerned of his health. Hunter isn't getting any younger either. He'd be turning 50 this year.

She couldn't wait until the end of the match since she needed to get to the basement. She was making an entrance by rising up from underground today. It's ironic that later she would leave the arena underground as well.

The crew told her to stand on the base which will be lifted up once Hunter's match is over. She stood there for what seemed like 20 long minutes before the technician told that she is up in 5 minutes after Becky has made her entrance. She watched from the screen beside her where Becky made an entrance. 

"Ayla" Ayla heard a voice behind her, surprised to see Vince behind her. She waited for him to continue as she stared at him in disbelief. He was definitely the last person she'd expect to see at the moment.

"I'm counting on you" Vince said, for the first time ever, giving her a slight smile. Ayla continued to stare at him in amusement before returning a smile as well. She held her hat and nodded, Vince nodding as well.

Ayla 2 [A WWE Multiverse]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें