Chapter 21 - The Heart Break Kid

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Ayla descended the stairs, making her way to the kitchen. She smiled at the sight of a shirtless Shawn making tea.

"Good morning, sexy boy" Ayla teased. No doubt, Shawn was still as charming as he was before. His body was well maintained just like how he was back in the 90s.

Shawn turned around briefly to give her a wide smile before turning his attention back towards his tea.

"Good morning sugarplum. Good night sleep?" Shawn asked.

"Very. Thanks for bringing me in" Ayla said, taking a seat at the counter. After the fight at the hotel 2 days ago, Shawn brought Ayla to live with him in his old house in San Antonio. It was the same like how Ayla remembered. This was the very same place she'd come every weekend for her in ring performance training with Shawn before moving to Connecticut with Hunter and Stephanie. 

Ayla figured out she would just spend the rest of the week in San Antonio since she'd be having another segment in Austin, Texas next Monday. It would be a lot cheaper if she stays here rather than spending on another flight ticket back to Connecticut, then to Texas again next week.

"Anytime, sweetheart. It's a good thing you're staying here. I sure need some help at the ranch" Shawn said.

"I'd love to, Shawn. But I have to warn that I have never worked at a ranch before, so I basically know nothing" Ayla said.

Shawn walked towards her with a pot of tea, then went back to grab some cups and came back towards the counter again.

"No problem. I know you're not much of a hunter like us. I'll teach you each and everything you need to know. I have even planned our whole week together. We'll go to an amusement park today, we'd spend the other 2 days hunting in the woods, then we'd go on a camp trip for the next three days. How does that sounds?" Shawn asked, pouring tea into the cups.

"Sounds fun, Shawn. You planned all these for me?" Ayla asked, looking at him with pure admiration.

"Of course! I'm not gonna let my favorite niece feel bored being around the heart break kid. Oh no, that's not gonna happen" Shawn said with a slight chuckle. "Besides, it's just gonna be you and me for the next 7 days. I don't want us to be staring at the wall although I gotta say they aren't really cheap"

Ayla laughed at that. Shawn has never changed one bit, his sense of humor especially. It reminds her of her good times with Shawn when she comes over for training. Besides her training, Shawn would bring her for a long ride around San Antonio. No need to stop anywhere, just a long quiet ride. But it can never be quiet with Shawn around. They'd either sing to the songs played on the radio station or they'd crack jokes and one liners.

"And, must I say, tomorrow we'll be joined by a very special person" Shawn said, taking a seat across her and taking a sip of his tea. Shawn is delighted to have Ayla over. Especially after seeing her break down as such, he didn't have the heart to leave her alone. The shield were there as they too would be going around Texas for the remaining week but as much as they might be close to Ayla, they might not really know how to console her. Ayla needs support for now. 

Cameron eventually told everything about Ayla to Shawn. About what happened two months ago. Shawn was at most grief when he heard how Ayla's condition was. Hunter was lucky he wasn't in front of Shawn or he would have definitely kicked his ass and never underestimate Shawn's ass kicking's. As much as he might be one of the smallest wrestlers in the WWE back then, his ass kicking's aren't really the prettiest. They hurt bad.

"Really? Who?" Ayla asked.

"Someone. You'll know when we meet up tomorrow." Shawn winked.

Ayla shrugged. "So, what are we doing after this?" 

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