Chapter 25 - The Gold and Black

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The knock on the door caught Ayla and Hunter's attention as they both looked at each other. 

"Come in" Hunter said, looking at the door. 

A smile formed on Ayla's face as Stephanie walked in with Kev. 

"Hey mom!" Ayla greeted chirpily. 

"Hey, honey. I came by to grab a few things before I leave for Canada" Stephanie said. 

"What time is our flight again?" Hunter asked.

Stephanie's smile dropped as she glanced at Hunter briefly and smiled back up when she looked at Ayla. "I went back to the hotel to pack our things. Luckily Kev was there to help me pack" Stephanie said.

Hunter gulped and sighed, knowing that Stephanie was still mad at him and was purposely avoiding him. 

Ayla who was equally confused just smiled at Stephanie. 

"I am happy to help" Kev said, not realizing what was going on.

"Have you learned what you need to do tomorrow at NXT taping?" Stephanie asked.

"Oh, not yet mom. Dad was just about to show me" Ayla said.

"Just about. I left you guys 3 hours ago?" Stephanie frowned.

"Oh, about that... we kinda slept off" Ayla said with a guilty expression. 

"You slept off? Seriously? I was waiting for like half an hour outside there for you guys before I went to the hotel to help Steph. I was sweating out there and you guys were sleeping in here?" Kev puts his hands on his waist, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, Big Kev" Ayla chuckled.

"Yeah, you're lucky that I love you, horsy" Kev rolled his eyes, cracking the girls up.

"And I love you too, Big Kev" Ayla said through her chuckles. 

"Alright, so my flight is in an hour. You can ask us anything you need to know about NXT taping anytime you want. Just give us a call or a text. But I hardly doubt that you need to give us a call since I invited someone special to produce NXT with you" Stephanie said.

"Wait, producing? You mean, I'm producing NXT this week?" Ayla asked, her eyes widen. This was huge.

"That's what I said" Stephanie smiled.

"Holy cow, mom are you serious?" Ayla asked, still unable to believe her ears.

"You don't have to bring out money or anything. Just help a few of them plan their matches and promos and coordinate in the production truck during the event. Can you handle them?" Stephanie asked.

"I'm not sure, mom, but I'll sure try" Ayla said. She is always willing to try new things. 

"I'm sure you'll be great, honey. Mamaw Linda told me you had a natural ability in the production truck when you took care of Crown Jewel" Stephanie said.

"I guess? I don't know, I just did what I think was right" Ayla shrugged with a smile.

"And you did amazing, honey. Now, I really gotta make a move. I'll see you on Friday" Stephanie said.

"Okay, I love you mom" Ayla said, giving Stephanie a quick hug. 

"Love you too, honey. Oh and by the way, Ayla, the car leaves in 15 minutes" Stephanie said, sending Ayla a knowing look before walking towards the door.

Ayla looked at Hunter who got the message. He nodded with a heavy sigh. 

"And don't forget about the thing I told you earlier" Stephanie said, lifting up her pinky, meaning for the gender reveal party.

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