Chapter 31 - The Rescue

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"Dean, did you guys find her?" Hunter asked as Dean approaches him all sweaty. 

"No, I tried finding in the catering and all the locker rooms and she isn't there" Dean said. "Guys, did you find her?" Dean asked as Seth and Roman approached.

"Nope, we searched the entire arena. We even went out to the parking lot and she's not there either" Roman said.

Hunter groaned upon hearing it as he punched the wall beside him, busting his knuckles open. 

"Hunter, relax. She mustn't have went far. I'll alert the rest" Seth said, pulling his phone out.

"Dolph! Over here!" Roman called out as he spotted Dolph from afar.

"Hey guys. What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Dolph asked.

"Did you see my daughter anywhere?" Hunter asked.

"Ayla? Oh, I saw her just now, she said she was going to the gorilla to find you" Dolph said.

"But we just came from there and she isn't there" Roman said, sighing.

"Why what happened?" Dolph asked, still unaware of what's happening.

"She's missing. We tried finding for her everywhere" Dean said. 

Dolph's jaw dropped upon hearing it. "Alright, alright, let's all relax. Hunter, did you alert the security?" Dolph asked.

"Yeah I've told security to monitor the cameras and to report if they see her anywhere" Dean said.

"Did you guys try finding at the crowd?" Dolph asked. There is a possibility Ayla might be at the main arena where RAW is still going on.

"Told the production truck to check for her through the fan camera too but they're unable to spot her anywhere for now" Roman said.

"Did you guys try finding her at the parking lot?" Dolph asked, getting more frustrated.

"Yeah, she wasn't outside either" Roman said.

"What about the basement parking?" Dolph asked.

Dean, Roman and Hunter looked at each other.

"I guess not" Roman said.

"Hunter, you go down the basement. Roman, Dean you guys head to the security room and check the CCTVs yourself. I'll find around here" Dolph said to which they all nodded, heading in separate ways.


Ayla walked down the parking lot. There weren't many cars since it was the basement. Most of the stars get VIP parking behind the arena. The basement was mostly for crews and a few stars that hate fighting to get an empty parking lot. As she was walking, she felt as though there was someone else besides her. 

She paused in her tracks when she felt as though she was being watched from a far. She turned to her right, trying to see if there were someone else, but there wasn't anyone except for a few cars. She continued to make her way towards her rental which was parked about 50 feet from her when she again, felt a presence behind her. This time, she felt they were really close to her.

Her guess was right when she saw a shadow behind her, knowing that she wasn't alone. She wasn't able to guess who was it based on how the body looked like from the shadow. They didn't look like anyone she was close to. 

"Hey kitty. Miss me?" The voice said from behind, enough to give her goosebumps. Her hands trembled as the familiar voice greets her. Still, Ayla didn't want to believe it. She needed to see for herself. She turned around, her eyes open wide as she takes a good look on the ever scary Kyle Lude. 

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