Chapter 60 - The Best There Is

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Ayla laid on the mat, tired, sweat soaking her camisole. She stared at the ceiling as she catches her breath.

"Tired?" A rough voice emerged.

"Very" Ayla said, giving him a wide smile as she turns to her sides, her hand supporting her head.

He chuckled at her response. "So how's your first day?"

"It is amazing, Bret. Thank you so much for having me here" Ayla said, sitting up and Bret Hart slid into the ring, taking a seat beside her.

"No, thank you for joining us. The kids love you already" Bret said.

"I'm glad I could help, Bret. The kids are really talented, though" Ayla said.

"They really are. It's a waste if they aren't trained properly when they all have a lot of talent in them." Bret said. "It's sad that I could no longer train all of them since my knee is getting worse day by day"

"That must be really hard for you" Ayla said.

"It is. After my in-ring career ended, teaching these kids has been my life. It's tough to leave something you've been doing for years" Bret agreed. Wrestling has been running in their family for generations. He was born into a family full of wrestlers. Wrestling runs in his blood. To give up something he's done for decades really eats him alive but as much as he would like to continue them, his body just couldn't give in to the physicality anymore.

"Anyways, how's your rehab process? I heard you ripped your knee quite bad" Bret joked, changing the subject. He gets emotional when he talks about it.

"It's going great, so far. I hadn't been in the ring for a few months, so that definitely helped a lot. I haven't given up on my workout, though" Ayla said, flexing her biceps.

Bret chuckled as he looks at Ayla's impressive muscular arms. "I can tell. But Ayla, I was wondering if Hunter and Stephanie really knows that you are here?"

Ayla's face horrified, but she quickly covered so Bret wouldn't notice. "W-why are you asking that? O-of course they know I'm here" Ayla faked a chuckled. Her heart pounded, thinking of the possibilities of Hunter reaching to Bret and finding out that she was here.

"Well, Hunter and I haven't really have been on good terms ever since we met back in the 90s, actually. I was just giving a shot when I asked you to be a trainer here. I didn't think Hunter would've allowed you to be anywhere around me given the history between the two of us" Bret explained.

Ayla pulled a sigh of relief upon his explanation. "Well, he didn't really agree at first but I was adamant that I wanted to be here, so he didn't have a choice but to agree" Ayla lied.

"Any specific reasons? I mean, if you wanna share it, that is. I wouldn't force you to tell anything you're not comfortable with" Bret said.

"Not really. I just wanted a change of air since I've been stuck in a huge mansion for over 2 months" Ayla said. "Trust me, rehab sucks"

"I know all about it, Ayla. I've been to rehab a number of times and they weren't exactly the best times of my life too" Bret chuckled. "Anyways, my wife has made a special lunch to welcome you. My children are here too. Do join us"

"I sure will. I'll be there after my shower" Ayla said.

Bret nodded with a smile before sliding out of the ring and making his way out of the academy. He was shocked to find Ayla at his doorsteps yesterday, so early in the morning. She had nothing else except for a backpack that could barely fit clothes for 5 days, wearing a black leather jacket that he recognize to be Hunter's jacket.

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