Chapter 18 - The Rivalry

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Ayla walks into the arena, making her way towards the chairman's office. She was beyond excited for this meet up although she can't stand Vince, aka her grandfather, aka her employer, aka the-guy-that-hates-her-with-every-inch-of-his-life. This is gonna be the biggest moment in her life. The moment she is going to sign a contract for her WrestleMania headline storyline. Her dreams were about to come true. 

She knocks on the door with the sign that said 'Vincent Kennedy McMahon'. Does he even have to write his whole freaking name on the door? Ayla pushed herself in when the familiar grumpy voice of Vince told her to. Ayla was delighted to see her parents already in the room but was surprised to see Seth and Becky in it too.

"Ayla, come on in. You're just in time" Vince said, a slight hint of smile on his face, clearly showing that he's in a good mood.

Ayla was unsure but she made her way towards Vince's desk, taking a seat between Hunter and Seth. Stephanie who sat beside Vince simply wiggled her eyebrows at Ayla who smiled back.

"Right, since everyone is here, we can start this meeting right now" Vince said, clearing his throat. He reached for a file in his suitcase, taking out two separate documents and placing it before Ayla and Becky.

"As you guys are informed, we are having a huge storyline in the women's division this year which will be solved at WrestleMania this year. A women's headline WrestleMania match. Probably the biggest storyline that will ever be told in the women's wrestling history. Followed by, will be a career push" Vince started off, pausing to get a response from the others before continuing. "I'm pleased to inform that the two of you have been chosen by the board of directors to receive that push and therefore will be chosen to headline WrestleMania this year." 

Ayla shared smiles with her parents to which Stephanie smiled widely and Hunter gave her a side hug, ruffling her hair along. Seth smiled at Becky who didn't return the smile because she was pissed. She was happy that she was going to headline WrestleMania but doing so means she is going to have to work with Ayla, the thing that is pissing her off. 

"These two are the scripts for the two of you that I wrote personally. You both could go ahead and go through the scripts and let me know if there is anything that you guys are unsatisfied with. I'll be back in a few minutes" Vince said, getting up and leaving the room.

Hunter immediately reached for the scripts, Ayla leaning in as they two went through the scripts together. Stephanie got up from her seat and walked to the other side of the table, going through the scripts together with her husband and daughter.

"Looks like we're in the storyline too, Seth" Hunter said to which Seth chuckled.

"Yeah, looks like we're feuding again after so long" Seth said.

"This storyline is great" Hunter said said.

"Yeah, wish I had these kinda storyline" Stephanie said.

"You were perfect already, Steph" Hunter reached up and kissed Stephanie by the cheek, earning giggles from Stephanie and an eye roll from Ayla.

"Dad! Not here too, goodness me" Ayla shook her head.

"Hey, a man can kiss his girl wherever her wants, okay? You want, you get your own guy" Hunter joked. He wasn't gonna let Ayla date anytime now although he teases her a lot. He wants her to focus on her career while she gets over her anxiety. He knows she isn't strong enough to go through a heartbreak with a romantic relationship on the line. Although she is a grown up, he wasn't gonna let any chap to break his little girl's heart anytime now.

"Agreed" Seth nodded, Hunter and Seth sharing looks to which Ayla made a disgusted face, cracking Stephanie up.

Hunter continued going through the storyline when something caught his attention on the third page. 

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