Chapter 3 - The News

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Ayla's hands were raised up in the air as she picked up the victory over her match with Nikki Bella. The bell was rung thrice as the crowd cheered loud for her. It wasn't her first time winning a match but each time she won, the response she got was always phenomenal. The crowd loved her no matter if she was a heel or a face.

As Ayla was gonna exit the ring, Stephanie's theme song was played as she and Hunter made their way down the ramp, all the way to the ring. Ayla stood there with her signature poker face, bored that Stephanie and Hunter was taking a long time to walk down the aisle.

"Ayla, Ayla, Ayla" Stephanie said as she stood inside the ring, the crowd booing them both.

"What do you want, Stephanie?" Ayla asked, her annoyed face was spot on.

Stephanie held one hand up, indicating Ayla to pause. "Hold on, Ayla. Before you do anything, we have a special announcement to make" 

"Get over with it already" Ayla said, yawning. She rested both her arms over the top rope, her legs crossed, looking badass as ever.

"I am disappointed to inform that our match at the royal rumble will not take place" Stephanie announced.

"WHAT?" It was a genuine reaction. Ayla was shocked for real. This wasn't in the script and they told her to just go with it. All they told her was to go with the flow and not break character. The crowd booed louder than ever.

"I know, I know this is shocking. But there is a good reason behind it" Stephanie said.

"Huh? Good? Nothing that comes out of your mouth is good, Stephanie. What could that 'good' reason ever be?" Ayla asked.

"Well" Stephanie smiled, looking at Hunter briefly before looking at the crowd. "I'm pregnant" Stephanie announced, the crowd cheering loudly. 

Ayla starred at her in shock. Was Stephanie serious? She's... She's pregnant? Ayla was so excited for her mom but she had to remain in character. She managed to control her expressions in which she was most expert in.

Ayla managed to send Stephanie a reconfirming look in which Stephanie slightly nodded, confirming it. Stephanie looked at Hunter, both of them sharing a brief kiss as the crowd cheered louder.

"Mama Stephanie!" Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. The crowd begin chanting to Stephanie's enthusiasm. The response was too overwhelming.

"Hey it's not fair that I did the job as equal as she did and she's the only one who gets the praises" Hunter said, making the crowd laugh out loud. 

If only Ayla wasn't strong enough, she would have broke character at the dirty joke. 

"Good job, Hunter!" Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap. The crowd begin chanting to Hunter's favor.

Ayla almost, just almost throw up at the thought. She managed to pull her poker face, showing that she doesn't give a damn about what's happening. It was really tough for her to maintain in her character, but somehow she was managing.

"Good job Hunter it is" Hunter said, making the crowd go WOOOOOOO.

"Alright, alright, now settle down you all" Stephanie said when the crowd didn't seem to settle down. "We have unfinished business here"

"Look, I don't give a damn about your pregnancy" Ayla said once the crowd settles down. "But just so you know, Ayla doesn't hit pregnant ladies" 

Ayla stared into Stephanie. Stephanie nodded slightly. Slowly Ayla shifted her stare at Hunter, coming eye to eye with him. She stared him dead in the eye just like she always does. She shifted her attention back to Stephanie, playing the creepy psychotic girl like always.

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