Chapter 52 - The First Step

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Ayla flipped her phone, rethinking her decision to call Hunter. Of course, she would call him everyday, it's just that there's something on her mind that was making her anxious. She needed to ask him something and she was nervous of how he'd react.

After a hard battle with herself, she dialed his number. As it rang, she was just hoping he wouldn't pick up, suddenly regretting her decision.

To her dismay, Hunter picked up immediately.

"Hey kiddo" Hunter greeted.

"Hey dad. Are you busy right now?" Ayla asked.

"Not really. I came to Massachusetts for a meeting and just finished it. What's up?" Hunter asked.

"I.... There's something I need to ask" Ayla said, biting her lip to control her nervousness.

"Shoot it, love" Hunter said.

"Do you, uhm... Do you happen to have any plans next weekend?" Ayla asked, squinting her eyes, ready for any type of outburst.

"Ayla..." Hunter trailed off with a sigh.

"Dad, please. Hear me out, okay? I'm nervous over here" Ayla said

"Alright, alright. Go on" Hunter said after a sigh.

"You know how I'm the president of Interact Club in Yale, right?" Ayla asked.

"You are?" Hunter teased.

"Dad!" Ayla protested.

"Alright, alright. I'll be serious" Hunter chuckled. "Yes, I know. What about it?"

"Our club is organizing an annual family event for the members next weekend. And as the president, I need to have the first dance" Ayla said.

"I'm not gonna allow you to have a date if that's what you're gonna ask" Hunter said, feeling a sense of protectiveness. There's no way he's gonna let Ayla have a date.

"Dad, please, hear me out first. That's not why I called" Ayla said, fed up of Hunter cutting her out.

"Whatever it is, I don't want you to go on a date because that isn't gonna happen, kiddo" Hunter said.

"Daddy!" Ayla called out a little louder, clearly showing how annoyed she was at the moment.

"Okay, okay, jeez. Relax, Georgia. You're no fun" Hunter chuckled, happy that he managed to irritate her. His day feels incomplete if he didn't irritate her.

Ayla took a deep breath. She would've laughed at normal times but her nervousness was getting into her, making her a little moody at the moment.

"Okay, sorry, dad. I just...." Ayla took another deep breath before continuing. "I didn't want to ask if I could go out on a date or anything. The event is a family event and so we're supposed to bring our family there. And since I'm the president, I need to have the first dance." Ayla paused.

"And?" Hunter asked.

"The dance is a daddy-daughter dance" Ayla said, biting her lower lip.

She heard Hunter sigh on the other side, probably understanding what she was trying to say.

"I mean, I know you're busy, I knew you just took the day off a few weeks ago and you need to work now so you could take another day off when the baby is born, but I just couldn't to not ask you this. I needed to ask even though I know what your answer is gonna be. I just thought it was worth a shot and I didn't want you to feel offended for not asking you" Ayla beginning rambling, her words were trembling as she spoke.

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