Chapter 6 - The Complaints

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"Concentrate, Ayla" Coach Carlson said from ring side.

Ayla couldn't hear what he said as her opponent, Indi Hartwell kicked hard on her stomach, causing her to go on her knees and begin coughing. 

"Are you okay, mate?" Indi asked.

Ayla couldn't answer it but she nodded anyway. The pain on her stomach was beyond words could describe but she wasn't gonna let anyone know about it. The bed post did real damage to her stomach the other day, she could feel the pain up to date even though its been a week and Indi kicking her in the stomach made it worse.

"Remember your moves, Ayla" Coach Carlson continued.

Ayla got up and managed to do a drop kick which even she knew was a totally obvious botched move. It was a really awkward one. She got up again and went for the ropes. She ran back towards Indi and hit her with a painful spinning front kick that sent Indi crashing to the mat. 

Coach Carlson immediately got into the ring and checked on Indi, so did a few others.

"What were you doing?" Coach Carlson raised his voice.

"I didn't do anything" Ayla said. She hadn't meant to kick her that hard.

"You kicked her too hard and you did it on purpose" Coach Carlson yelled.

"I didn't. It wasn't on purpose" Ayla defended.

"You knew she was having a championship match next week and yet you kicked her too hard" Coach Carlson continued to accuse her.

"I swear I didn't. I mean I knew she is having a match but-"

"I'm so disappointed with you, Miss Ayla. I'm afraid I'm gonna ask you to leave" Coach Carlson said, shaking his head and turning his attention towards Indi. A few medic staffs were checking on Indi as she wailed in pain.

Ayla clenched her jaw as she looked around. Everyone were giving her continuous stares that made her feel so ashamed. She immediately slid out of the ring and stormed out of the performance center.


Ayla steps into the WWE Headquarters, making her way to the top floor. She walks past Lydia who gave her a pleasant smile.

"Good morning, Ayla" Lydia greeted.

"Good morning, Lydia. Long time no see, huh?" Ayla said

"Oh yeah. It's been months. I missed you a lot. You came to see your dad?" Lydia asked.

"Not really, I came here to see Vince. I got a call from his assistant yesterday that he wanted to meet me first thing in the morning today. Is he in already?" Ayla asked.

"He just came in a few minutes ago" Lydia informed.

"Right. I guess I better go meet him first. I'll see you later, Lydia" Ayla waved goodbye as she made her way to Vince's office.

She knocked on the door and entered as a grumpy voice told her to come in from inside. As she entered, Vince looked up briefly from his papers before letting out a sigh. He ordered her to have a seat across the table as he sets his papers aside. He crosses his fingers on the table as he looked at her, arranging his words.

"I'm gonna be very professional here, okay? As much as we might have our differences between us, but this is 100% regarding work" Vince stated.

Ayla nodded. She knew that Vince was highly professional. As much as he might hate her, he was a businessman and business comes first for him. He'd go to any extent for what he calls best for business.

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