Chapter 24 - The Camp Out

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The group decided to go on a hike early in the morning. There was a track around the camp site that was made specially for jungle trekking. Ayla carried a small backpack that had a water bottle, some snacks and some insect repellent in it. They all questioned why did she even bring that along as it wasn't really a far journey through the woods but Ayla just brought in case.

The group woke up early in the morning so that they would be just in time for sunrise. Taker led the group through the woods since he was already used to the track. He's been to the camp site loads of times already. 

Ayla was a little disappointed since she wasn't able to take pictures of the sceneries. It was still a little dark for the camera to capture anything but the view was really breathtaking. It wasn't too dark but the sky had shades of pink behind the mountains, indicating that's where the sun was rising.

Birds were chirping from random directions, the cool breeze went perfect with it. The boys always kept checking on Ayla, worried she might get lost. Kev didn't let go of her hand the whole time. He was the most concerned one. He even offered to carry her backpack to which she denied of course. What was the fun in that if someone else carries your bag during a hike, right? It was the hardship that makes it all memorable and challenging. 

"You good, chica?" Scott asked, glancing to the back a little.

"Never been better, chico" Ayla said, a wide smile formed on her lips. 

The group sang songs along the hike. Mostly were country songs. There was only few rock songs, which mostly Kev initiated it. The others mostly enjoy country songs, especially Shawn. 

There was one where they needed to climb up a little to get to the remaining track that leads to the peak of the mountain. The boys mostly had no problem in climbing since most of them were at least 6'1 feet. Kid was the shortest but he had parkour skills which made it easy for him to climb up. 

Ayla was the most problem at that point since she was just 5'2 feet. She had a little help from Kev and Scott who took a hand each and pulled her up with ease. Ayla felt like she was floating in the air when they lifted her up, sending tickles to her stomach when she was lifted up 10 feet off the ground. They placed her on the ground slowly, Kev rubbed her wrists, scared she might've got hurt.

Once they were sure Ayla was okay, they continued their journey to the peak of the mountain. 

Ayla gasped when she reached the top of the mountain. This was the most beautiful view ever. As a nature lover, she was mesmerized by breathtaking view. The morning sky and the sun that was just beginning to rise behind two mountains were just perfect. Added with the morning mist and cool breeze stroking her skin, it was like heaven. Immediately a tear scrolled down her cheek as she lost herself in the beauty of nature. She felt so blessed to have witness this scenery. The scenery before her wasn't anything like how she was used to see everyday at home. This was beyond. 

At this point, Ayla remembered how she and Hunter would stand at the balcony back at home almost every morning to see the sunrise. They would sit at the balcony in each others arms after their early morning workout and simply look at the sky. It wasn't necessary that any conversation would be involved, mostly they'd just enjoy the morning breeze and quiet environment. Hunter would've loved this place. 

"We're here" Taker said, setting his backpack aside, the others following suit. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" Shawn asked once he spotted Ayla standing still, a stroll of tear almost dried up on her cheek. He was careful not to grab the others attention, loud enough for only Ayla to hear.

Ayla blinked a few times before looking at Shawn who was looking at her with concern. She knew how much the boys wanted to cheer her up and she is forever grateful for all of their efforts. She didn't know how much they actually love her until she learned the fact that they cancelled all their plans for their week and flew all the way from Florida to San Antonio just for her. She knew that they were all worried for her. Especially Shawn and Kev. They both were the most concerned ones compared to the others. 

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