Chapter 50 - The Exclusive [Part 2]

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"I said, hell no" Hunter said to which John laughed. "At first when I knew that she is gonna headline WrestleMania, I was beyond happy, beyond proud. I was the proudest dad I could ever be, you know, when your daughter gets to do what you have done in the past, that pride is way beyond anything. More than everything that I have accomplished, I was more proud of what she'd accomplished in this short amount of time rather than my whole entire career. It's a different feel to accomplish on your own thing and to see your kids accomplish things. Not many dad's could say that my girl just headlined WrestleMania at the age of 19 and is making millions and is now one of the biggest stars in WWE women's division. There's a difference in saying 'hey, I'm a 14 time world champion' and 'thats my girl right there, headlining the grandest stage of all time'. That feel itself is different. So when I knew that my daughter would be the main event, I was the proudest person ever and I couldn't have asked for more. But when I knew that her main event match is a buried alive match, I said hell no. There is no way I'm gonna let you do that match, it's too risky. If it were just a casket match, I wouldn't have had any problems with it but it was a buried alive match. Things could go wrong anytime. I've been with Taker throughout his career when he had these buried alive matches and he almost died in those matches. Things would unexpectedly go wrong. He was once rushed to the hospital since he wasn't responding and he passed out. I wasn't at all ready to see my daughter in that same state. You know, it was a typical father feeling, you don't want to see your kids get hurt. As much as I'm proud that she's a wrestler, it hurts me to see my kid, goes into the ring every time and comes backstage beat up and bloody but that is her passion, I'm not gonna stop her from doing what she likes. This is what our profession is. You get beat up to put on smiles on millions of others. But the fact that the buried alive match is 10 times riskier than any other matches really made me worried and I said no" Hunter explained.

"So what made you agree?" John asked.

"We were all in Vince's office, me, Steph, Ayla, Seth and Becky along with Vince. We were discussing about how this will go and Vince broke the news that this was gonna be a buried alive match and he left us in his room for a while to let us discuss among ourselves. Steph and I said no, Seth said no as well. Ayla said, daddy, I could do this. I know I want this match. The girls were really adamant. They knew what they want and they said that they could do it. It took them a lot of convincing to do with the three of us and at the end of the day, the three of us eventually agreed. Steph still wasn't happy at first but when I said yes and Ayla was trying her best to convince her to the very end, she had to agree. As I said earlier, if that is her passion, then I will never stop her from doing so. She kept saying that she can do it and she is willing to take the risk. She wants to take that chance and that she wants to prove herself on the grandest stage of them all. " Hunter said.

"That's really sweet, Triple H. And that took guts there, Ayla. I mean, to do a buried alive match, it's like a simulation of how it would be when one day we face our own death and nobody could ever have the privilege to talk about their experience being buried alive but you certainly have that privilege and that took real guts over there. I am really proud of you. So talking about the bond between the two of you, how are you guys together? I mean, do you guys have a lot of things in common or are you both the exact opposite? Like surely there must be a specific reason why you took a liking to her that you even decided to adopt her, right? So tell me about the bond between the two of you" John asked.

"We both, well, I can't say we're totally different nor do we have a lot of in common. I think it's a neutral way. We are so different yet so alike, you know what I mean?" Ayla answered.

"I got that. Me and my daughter are the same thing. We're just so different yet so alike. I totally understand that. But if there is one thing you gotta name that you both have in common, other than wrestling, what would it be?" John asked.

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