Chapter 35 - The Mommy Feeling

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Ayla was laying in bed after her shower. Tomorrow was a big day ahead of her. The event finished early in the evening, so she has the whole day left to herself. She immediately got into a shower after she returned from the hall of Fame ceremony.

The boys wanted to go out and celebrate. Ayla was far beyond exhausted and wasn't exactly in the mood to celebrate, so she excused herself from the party and followed Stephanie back to the apartment.

The kids were here too, Shawn and the others' kids. So we're their wives. The whole family was here. The ladies went out with the kids on an evening out, so only Ayla and Stephanie went back to the apartment.

Stephanie went to lay down since she too was very tired after the event and she wasn't really able to walk a lot like she used to before this. With her stomach getting heavier and heavier everyday. Still, Stephanie was really active for a usual pregnant woman.

Ayla got up and walked to the balcony, closing her eyes as she enjoys the evening breeze brushing against her face.

It was very quiet without any of them in the house when they got home, just exactly what Ayla needed at the moment. Peace.

She is gonna have a big day tomorrow and it was really getting on her nerves. Only she knows how nervous she was for tomorrow. She had everything planned on ahead for WrestleMania. She managed to visit the venue for tomorrow earlier this morning and everything for her match was already set up. The casket, the gallons of mud, a tractor, and of course, a ring. She will be going last tomorrow since she was the main event. But that was what is making her nervous.

Never in her wildest dreams has she ever thought that tomorrow will come. This was a huge deal. A chance of a lifetime. It wasn't even close to her dream, it was all beyond her dream.

In front of a sold out 90 thousand fans, a bigger arena than the ones she's used to, thousands of people chanting her name. And to highlight the match that she was going to be in. A buried alive match. No other men has ever dared to do this match, except for the Undertaker. Especially, no women has dared to do it either. This was the first buried alive match in years. 

She had a rehearsal this morning on how she would be escaping from the casket after being buried alive. It wasn't the full version but it was almost the same nonetheless. She had to try a few times to get it right.

A month and a half ago, she was the most excited person when she knew she was gonna do a buried alive match. But as the days get nearer, she begin doubting herself.

She begins thinking to herself if she could really do it. She didn't want to cause any loss to the company nor did she want to make a fool of herself. She didn't want to embarrass her parents more than anything. They have been counting on her a lot. The whole company is counting on her. If the match was a hit, they get a whole lot profit than they could ever be. Otherwise, they were gonna have a lot of consequences.

With her knee injury on peak, she has more doubts on herself than ever. She knows that she was a good wrestler. Not near even pro, but she was good nonetheless. But that was when she was a 100% of health. With her cranky knee, she doesn't really know how well she would be able to perform. She has had loads of training these past two weeks with the help from the boys.

She was really grateful that she had them with her because they have been a serious help to her. She doesn't know what state of mind she would've been if it wasn't for them. Especially with Hunter distancing himself from her.

Ayla couldn't blame Stephanie. She was pregnant and running around a lot, way too much work for a pregnant lady. She was really concerned for Stephanie for moving a lot, more than she was supposed to. Ayla confronted her, trying to talk into her to take break until her her labor due.

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