Chapter 22 - The Deadman

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Ayla and Shawn were having their breakfast when the doorbell rang. 

"Who is it?" Ayla asked.

"I'm not sure. Do you mind answering the door?" Shawn asked to which Ayla nodded. A sheepish smile formed as he watched Ayla walking towards the door.

Ayla's eyes widen as she eyed the 6'8 tower before her. 

"Taker!" Ayla squealed as she jumped off the ground, hugging her favorite big boii. It's been so long since they hang out together. She only sees Taker at RAW, mostly during backstage but hardly ever gets a chance to bond with him. 

"Hey, little one. You got heavier" Taker joked, wrapping his arms below her bottom, walking into the house.

Ayla laughed. It's true. She gained weight a little, gained more muscles lately. 

"So have you. What happened to your abs?" Ayla joked, getting down and patting his stomach as they walked into the kitchen. Taker's abs weren't as slick as they used to be. His stomach was more of bloated than muscular. His arms were still in good shape, though.

"Your mama Michelle cooks good food. No man can resist good food" Taker chuckled.

"Well said, my man" Shawn chuckled as well.

Ayla poured another cup of tea and served Taker before taking a seat beside him.

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Ayla asked.

"I came to see you" Taker said simply, taking a sip of his tea.

"How'd you know I'm here?" Ayla asked.

"I told him" Shawn said.

"You invited him for me? Aww, how sweet" Ayla pinched Shawn's bearded cheeks, cracking the old man up.

"I did. And guess what, he'll be joining us for the next 5 days" Shawn said.

"You're coming to hunt with us?" Ayla got all excited.

"Of course" Taker nodded, wrapping an arm around her, pretending to choke her. Shawn told about what happened to Taker. Taker was furious when he knew what Hunter had done, including what happened the past 2 months. As much as he wanted to trash Hunter up, Shawn was right when he said Ayla needs them more than Hunter needs a lesson. "And also to the camp out"

"YEAYYYY!" Ayla squealed rather loud, cracking the both man up. "A camp out with my favorite boiis! Dream come true" Ayla winked to which the men laughed harder.

"Freak" Shawn rolled his eyes, Ayla laughing harder at that.


Taker drove his four wheel drive as they made their way to a hunting ranch. Taker and Shawn unloaded their things as a guide came to their assistance.

He was a young guy, probably in his early 20s who was just about her height, only slightly taller. He was really short for a guy. At least among the guys that Ayla knows that is. Still, Ayla could tell that he works out from his well built body.

"Hello, Mr Michaels. It's so good to see you again" The guy said. He was wearing a t-shirt that was covered with a camouflage jacket, tags and badges hanging on both sides of his jackets. A name tag stitched that said Hillary was barely able to be seen with the badges covering them.

"Nice to see you too, Newt. Brought my friends along this time" Shawn said as he motioned for Taker and Ayla to follow him into the lobby.

"Ahh, you must be The Persephone" Newt said.

"That's right" Ayla nodded. He was quite charming though. He kinda looks like a young Hunter, only a lot shorter and his nose was a lot smaller compared to Hunter's gigantic nose. "Ayla Helmsley" Ayla extended her arm.

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