Chapter 12 - The Headline

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"Go Bulldogs!" Ayla cheered along with the crowd as they watched the game. It was the match between Yale and Southern Connecticut State University. Bulldog is their team's mascot.

The stadium was full of excited and hyped students from both the universities, cheering for their teams respectively. They were at the ending of the game with only 5 minutes left. 

Ayla couldn't take her hands off her ears throughout the match since she was surrounded by squealing girls, yelling for Gage. It's different if they were cheering, but they were squealing in the most highest pitched voice a human being could ever have. Cassy was one of them too. Gage's fans are crazily annoying.

Ayla almost just almost punched the girl behind her who was jumping up and down, using her shoulders as leverage and squealing like a maniac when their team won the whole match. But then again, Ayla didn't want to cause anymore scene, so she just went with it. 

Their university team were cheering, singing their team anthem as they celebrated their victory. Gage was lifted on his teammates' shoulders as Gage held the victory cup up high, confetti flying all over the stadium. Their university students then got down from the audience area and ran towards the field, celebrating along with the players. 

Ayla couldn't hold back when Cassy and Cameron practically dragged her to the middle of the field, joining in with the players to celebrate their victory. 

"Guys, come on, follow me" Gage motioned them to follow him as Gage and the other players made their way backstage to the locker room. Ayla, Cassy and Cameron were the only ones who weren't players in that locker room.

"Congratulations, Gage. I told you, you could crush them" Ayla said.

"Yeah that wasn't too bad. Although I gotta say the opposite team captain was a huge, huge hunk" Cameron shot.

"He seems familiar though" Ayla said. She couldn't get a close look of his face since he was wearing a face shield. But his body structure looked familiar.

"I guess" Gage shrugged.

"So why'd you asked us to come here? Cuz' believe me it's awkward over here" Cassy whispered, looking around where everyone was giving them weird stares.

"Oh, right. I'm having a little bit of a problem actually" Gage said.

"What problem?" Cameron asked.

"You know how we're having a parade right since we won?" Gage said to which all three of them nodded. "So we players are supposed to bring a partner each on that parade and I still don't have anyone to bring yet"

"And?" Cassy asked when Gage kept quiet. 

"You can bring either one of them if you want" Cameron said, pointing at Cassy and Ayla.

"I'm sure Cassy would love to be your partner, don't you Cass?" Ayla said, turning towards Cassy.

"Actually, Ayla. I was thinking of asking you" Gage said to which all three of them snapped their heads at him sharply.

"What?" The three of them asked in unison.

Gage looked clueless. "Did I say something wrong?" 

"No, no you didn't. It's just... "Ayla trailed off. She wasn't expecting that. She didn't even know how to react at the moment. She wanted Cassy to have her moment with Gage, but at the same time she didn't have the heart to say no to Gage. 

She looked at both Cassy and Cameron who nodded, asking her to agree. Ayla had to look a little longer at Cassy who looked a little disappointed. 

"Please?" Gage asked again.

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