Chapter 53- The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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"Hi Uncle Shane" Tiffany greeted, her smirk not leaving her face.

"Oh my god, Tiff! It's been so long" Shane said with a wide smile, walking towards her to give her a hug. "You look so different"

"I take that as a compliment" Tiffany said, giving him a quick hug.

"What are you doing here?" Declan asked, his voice was the coldest he's ever been.

"I came to see how a loyal person is supposed to be. Apparently, the most loyal person on earth can crumble and fall eventually, can't they?" Tiffany said, her face expression made him want to punch the hell out of her.

She used to look so innocent. She had a true baby face. She looked cute when she was with him. The make up she wore made her look really bitchy and bossy, he just wanted to smack the hell out of her. 

"What do you mean?" Declan asked, his eyes scorching in anger as he looks at her.

"Looks like you found yourself a new one, huh?" Tiffany said, shifting her eyes to Ayla, scanning her from top to bottom. Her arms crossed against her chest, her body bent to the side a little, shifting all her energy to one leg while the other stretched out loosely. 

"That's none of your concern" Declan snapped, standing before Ayla, as though shielding her from Tiffany's evil eyes.

"Snappy? That's new. You weren't snappy when you were with me?" Tiffany argued.

"Just like you weren't a bitch when you were with me either" Declan snapped back.

"How dare you?" Tiffany's eyes scrunched, irritated that she was just being called a bitch. 

"More than you can tell" Declan said, it was his turn to smirk.

"Woah, woah, hold on a second. Kids, why are you both fighting? What-what is going on here?" Shane asked, looking at the two teens arguing before him in the most confused expression. "Aren't you guys a thing?" 

"Were" Declan said, stressing on it, his eyes not leaving Tiffany's face.

"Were? Why? What happened?" Shane asked. 

"He treated me like trash" Tiffany said. 

"I treated you like trash? You were the one who walked out of me!" Declan argued. "It was you whom avoided my calls and texts. It was you whom cheated on me for a richer so-called boyfriend. It was you who dumped me" 

"I dumped you because you treated me bad" Tiffany argued.

"When did I treat you bad? I gave you all my attention. I'd hear every single thing you had to say no matter how lame it is. I'll give you my shoulder when you need to cry and I'll tell you absolutely anything to cheer you up. I'll punch every guy in the face for bullying you or for catcalling you. Where on earth did you feel that I treated you like trash?" Declan argued.

"You didn't help me financially. I'm a human, Dec. I need money to survive as well. As much as your love and affection did help me, there wasn't any use it I don't have money to eat?" Tiffany said. 

"I didn't give you money? How dare you say that? You asked for money, I gave you all the money you needed. You said you needed to pay your rent, I gave you money. You said you need to buy books, I gave you money. You said you needed money to go on a vacation, I gave you that money even though I need to starve myself for the next few days. I have spent my entire money and savings and pocket money ever since we were kids, Tiffany. You were my everything. How can you-"

"What about the time I told you I needed money during Christmas? I called you and talked to you and explained to you for over 3 hours on the phone how I needed money to-"

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